Agenda item
344A Essex Road, N1 3PD - New premises licence
The licensing officer reported that conditions had been agreed with the police and the noise team. In response to a letter from the applicant, two representors had withdrawn their representations, one representation was to remain and one resident had not replied.
A full set of conditions were tabled at the meeting.
The applicant’s representative stated that this premises had previously been licensed on the hours applied for but now had extensive conditions. There were no outstanding objections from the responsible authorities and the premises was outside the cumulative impact area. The hours proposed were consistent with framework hours. The premises would not operate as a public house but as a wine storage space and shop with wine tastings in the basement. They would be offering specialist organic natural wine and not the type of alcohol normally associated with anti-social behaviour and street drinking. The applicant had engaged with all interested parties and two had subsequently been reassured and had withdrawn the representations.
In response to questions, it was noted that there would be retail upstairs and ticketed events downstairs. Residents walking past would see a small retail offering. The wine offered was from small producers. Wine prices could range from £10 to a few hundred pounds. Wine boxes could be posted in a similar manner to the Wine Society. Delivering wine was not a primary business plan and it was stated that the Sub-Committee could impose a condition regarding non-motorised vehicles if they considered it appropriate. It was noted that the premises would be operating Challenge 25. The premises would be used for some storage for the public house on Halliford Street. This was a five-minute walk and items could be delivered between the two properties by trolley or bike. Events would not be of a type that would encourage raucous behaviour. There would be signage to ask patrons to leave quietly. Customers would not be permitted to smoke outside. They would look at measures to ensure that customers would not encroach the whole of the pavement area and there was a condition that ensured that the premises would not operate as a bar.
1) That the application for a new premises licence, in respect of 344a Essex Road, N1, be granted to allow:-
a) The supply of alcohol, on and off the premises from 9am to 11pm on Monday to Sunday on the ground floor;
b) The supply of alcohol on and off sales from 10am to 11pm Monday to Saturday and from 11am to 10pm on Sundays on the basement floor.
c) The premises to be open to the public from 9am to 11pm Monday to Sunday.
2) That conditions tabled at the meeting shall be applied to the licence with the following amendments:-
To add the following wording to Condition 23. A maximum of 6 smokers shall be permitted to stand outside the frontage at any one time and shall not be permitted to take alcohol outside.
Condition 27 to read. There shall be no combustion vehicles used for local deliveries of alcohol from the premises at any time.
Condition 10 to read. The premises shall operate in its current guise as a wine merchant and event space and not operate as a bar.
The Sub-Committee listened to all the evidence and submissions and read all the material. The Sub-Committee reached the decision having given consideration to the Licensing Act 2003, as amended, and its regulations, the national guidance and the Council’s Licensing Policy.
Four local resident objections had been received. Conditions were tabled at the meeting which had been agreed with the police and the noise team.
The Sub-Committee noted that the hours sought were within the hours specified in licensing policy 6.
The Sub-Committee heard evidence that this would be a small wine shop with storage and wine tasting in their basement which specialised in organic natural wine. All wine events would be ticketed with no more than 50 guests and would be held in the basement. The premises was outside the cumulative impact area. There would be six smokers allowed outside.
The Sub-Committee were concerned that smokers would carry their drinks outside and disturb residents so considered that a condition be added to safeguard against this. The Sub-Committee were also concerned about noise from motorised delivery vehicles and added a condition to safeguard against noise nuisance. The Sub-Committee amended a further condition to ensure that the licence was future proofed against becoming a pub/bar.
The Sub-Committee concluded that the granting of the licence with the agreed conditions would promote the licensing objectives. The Sub-Committee noted that the hours sought were within the hours specified in licensing policy 5 and 6.
The Sub-Committee was satisfied that granting the premises licence was proportionate and appropriate to the promotion of the licensing objectives.
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