Agenda item
48 Great Sutton Street, London, EC1V 0DE
Change of use of existing residential unit (Class C3) and restoration of a commercial unit on the lower ground and ground floors (Class E) with associated remodelling of internal space and replacement of glazing on the front façade.
(Planning Application Number: P2024/0153/FUL)
The planning officer introduced the application. The proposal for 48 Great Sutton Street involves converting the existing lower ground and ground floor flat into office space. The site is located on the northern side of the street. Currently, although there is no formal planning permission or lawful development certificate for its use as a flat, council tax records indicate that it has been used as a two-bedroom flat since at least 2005. The existing flat is characterised by poor daylight quality, particularly in the basement, leading to a substandard residential accommodation.
The application seeks to change the use to office space over both floors, including internal cycle parking. The building’s front elevation would see a minor alteration to the glazing arrangement. Given that the site is within the Bunhill and Clerkenwell Area Action Plan area, which supports commercial, and office uses on ground floors, the proposal aligns with local policies. The recommendation is to approve the application, subject to the conditions outlined in the report.
The Planning Officer updated the committee on discussions about off-site cycle parking provision. The existing building lacks outside space and had a step into the premises, limiting the feasibility of installing Sheffield stands directly in front. However, there was potential to replace a bollard on the opposite side of the pavement with a Sheffield stand, providing space for two cycles. Despite this, the current proposal included indoor cycle storage, with cupboards for fold-up bikes.
The applicant addressed the committee. They explained that although the premises had been used as a residential flat, this was done without planning permission and did not benefit from lawful development status. The flat was substandard due to poor lighting, lack of outlook, and no outdoor space. The application seeks to revert the building to its original commercial use, aligning with the character of Great Sutton Street, which featured commercial uses at ground floor level. This change was expected to activate the street, contribute to the conservation area's character, and provide office space for SMEs and startups. The new shopfront would enhance the street appearance and thermal performance while using recycled materials.
The applicant indicated a willingness to make a financial contribution to replace the bollard with a Sheffield stand to address the limitations of the on-site cycle parking provision. Although there were initial considerations about adapting motorcycle bays for cycle parking, this was deemed unfeasible. The applicant agreed to support the installation of a Sheffield stand in a suitable location to mitigate the lack of on-site provision.
A motion was proposed by Cllr North to add a planning obligation for this financial contribution, secured through a unilateral undertaking. This motion was seconded by Cllr Hayes with precise wording to be delegated to officers.
The committee acknowledged that the location is more suitable for business use and supports the proposal to return the premises to commercial use. The application, with the added condition, was approved unanimously.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report and subject to the prior completion of a Deed of Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the additional planning obligation outlined above.
Supporting documents:
- Draft Committee Report - 48 Great Sutton Street LB FINAL, item 35. PDF 5 MB
- Map P2024-0153-FUL, 48 Great Sutton Street, London, EC1V 0DE, item 35. PDF 122 KB