Agenda item
Islington Care Leavers and Housing Protocol
Ian Swift, Director of Housing Needs and Strategy updated committee on Islington’s Council’s Care Leavers and Housing Protocol. The following points were noted
· Meeting was advised that report before committee is at the request of both the Chair of Children Services Committee and the former Vice Chair of the Committee, that the report is scheduled for consideration at the meeting of the Children’s Scrutiny Committee before it is formally adopted. All stakeholders have been consulted in the development of the framework, noting that this is a partnership co-developed with Children Services.
· Meeting was reminded that Islington Council supports the principle that children looked after should be supported on their journey to independence. As part of the council’s framework, the role of housing as part of the Corporate Parenting offer is now being improved through the attached Protocol.
· Meeting was advised that it is a radical framework, that some of the proposals have been adopted by central government.
· The Protocol has been produced jointly by Children’s Services and Homes and Neighbourhoods to strengthen the partnership work between Homes and Neighbourhoods and Children’s services and placing Looked After Child at the centre.
· Meeting was reminded that Islington Council is committed to its role as a corporate parent, including young people who have left its care upon reaching adulthood.
· Under homelessness legislation, young people who were formerly in care aged 18-20 are automatically in ‘priority need’. This means that if they become homeless there is a duty to provide temporary and potentially permanent accommodation.
· As a corporate parent to all children in care and care leavers all parts of a local authority, including a housing authority, must have regard to the need, to act in the best interests, and promote the physical and mental health and well-being, of those children and young people, to encourage those children and young people to express their views, wishes and feelings, to take into account the views, wishes and feelings of those children and young people, to help those children and young people gain access to, and make the best use of, services provided by the local authority and its relevant partners. to promote high aspirations, and seek to secure the best outcomes, for those children and young people, for those children and young people to be safe, and for stability in their home lives, relationships and education or work, and. to prepare those children and young people for adulthood and independent living.
· Meeting was advised that by working together, housing authorities and children’s services authorities can better ensure that as a corporate parent, the appropriate accommodation and support is available to care leavers.
· Meeting was advised that Islington Council rarely makes care leavers intentionally homeless, so the impact of the recommendations in this report would be minimal.
· In response to concerns that young people from outside of Islington may take advantage of a more lenient homelessness offer, meeting was advised of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 which makes provisions for referrals to other local authorities where someone does not have a ‘local connection’ to the area they have presented as homeless to. A provision has always existed in homelessness legislation, but the 2017 Act made it possible to do this at an earlier stage. Therefore, even if care leavers from other areas do present themselves to Islington – they can be reconnected to the local authority they do have a connection to.
· Islington Council has adopted the principle that all care leavers are to be presumed as being in ‘priority need’ under homelessness legislation until the age of twenty-five.
· On the question of whether this offer could be extended beyond the age of 25, meeting was advised that although Council did extend the age from 16 to 25 years, this could be looked into later as there is a recognition that in light of the cost of living and numerous challenges people up to 30 years have difficulties.
· In response to a question, meeting was advised that although the Council have allocated places for care leavers over the next 3 years however needs may change.
· The Director advised that Committee will be receiving a protocol between Housing and Children’s services especially for children living in temporary accommodation at the next meeting.
· Meeting was advised that besides the accommodation offer, employment has been offered to the care leavers within housing and training provided with the hope that they can get work within the Council.
Chair welcomed the protocol for care leavers thanking the officers
for the work undertaken.
That the report be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Islington Care Leavers and Housing Protocol, item 22. PDF 141 KB
- Final Care Experienced Young People's Joint Housing Protocol, item 22. PDF 568 KB