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Agenda item

Main Scrutiny Review -Islington Community Centres - Presentation



Committee received a presentation on Islington’s Community Centres from Cllr Chapman, Executive Member for Equalities, Communities and Inclusion, Raj Chand, Corporate Director Communities, Strategy and Change and Lorna Hughes, Interim Assistant Director, Heritage, Culture Equalities & Community Partnership. The following issues were highlighted:

·       Community Assets serves a vital role in that it Islington aims to provide a thriving network of places which aims to fulfil the Council’s mission of tackling inequality, reducing poverty and strengthening community cohesion.

·       Islington owns and manages a wide range of assets – buildings and land – that will help deliver the missions that are set out in the 2030 Plan.

·       Meeting was advised that the Council’s Strategic Asset Management Plan will be considered at the Executive in November 2024 which sets out how Council’s assets align with and support delivery of the missions.

·       Community Centres are key to the above mission in that it plays a vital role in bringing residents and communities together, strengthening community cohesion, and providing a range of activities and services at a local level that support early intervention and prevention.

·       Council owns 48 community centres, with a good geographical spread across the borough, sitting alongside other community spaces and services such as libraries, Family Hubs, and Access Islington Hubs.

·       The review of community centres in Islington will establish how Council can make better use of the community centre offer to maximise the benefits and  ensures they provide the support and activities that residents and communities need.

·       A cross-departmental working group has been established to review its community asset offer.

·       The overall aim of the review is to explore how community centres can meet the needs and aspirations of local communities.

·       Meeting was advised that the review should provide a better understanding in that members will be able to assess the current position, its usage, its management and stock condition of each centre.

·       The review will also understand and map local needs, using data and resident insight to identify priorities for local communities; providing access to a range of services, facilities and activities that address this need; exploring how to reduce duplication by working together on delivery of services that provide a more streamlined but comprehensive offer.

·       The review should ensure that Islington has a well maintained and affordable portfolio of community centres and enhance partnerships with voluntary community sector spaces and organisations to provide a broad spectrum of support for residents.

·       In response to a question of any example of a well run community centre, meeting was advised that members will be able to assess other comparative models from Newham and Barking and Dagenham.

·       On the query about informal arrangements of some community centres, meeting was advised that this relates to accessibility and usage which in some cases has been on an ad hoc basis, identifying the key holder is not clear and the booking system remains opaque.

·       In response to comments about dilapidated community centres, meeting was advised that  a number of them having been built in the 1950’s are not in a good structural state, that to put it into good stage would require some huge investment to bring them to high standard with for example the replacement of  central heating and boiler system.

·       Meeting was informed that the relevant section regarding community centres within the Strategic Asset Management Plan will be scheduled for the Committee at a future meeting.

·       The Assistant Director acknowledged that community centres do attract income for its use, that breakdown details of income generated of each community centres will be provided at a future meeting. In addition to the above, details of heating cost, its usage and by which community etc will be shared with committee.

·       In response to a question about community centres managed by tenant organisation, meeting was advised that details of licensing arrangements will need to be looked into.

·       Suggestion for the review to incorporate community centres managed by voluntary community groups and to liaise with locality trade body who have rules and best practices was noted.  Also the need to encourage those community groups that receive funding from Council to use Council community spaces instead of those in the private sector was noted

·       In response to the above, Executive Member agreed that a mapping exercise would help identify local need which will then be matched and linked to one the other community assets within that locality that provides the activities.

·       On the issue of contracts, the Chair acknowledged that Committee recognises the issue of confidentiality in such mattes, that if required by members this will be made available to committee members by arranging with officers in a private setting .

·       In response to a question, the Assistant Director advised that each community centres will have different purposes and missions; that it will be difficult to find a one size fits all; that there is a recognition that with the many management structures which have arisen in an ad hoc way over the years it will be a challenge for Council to get to the point and able to recommend that this is the best way a community centre should be run.

·       On heating cost for community centres, members were reminded that in the covid period, community centres had experienced high cost similar to members of the public, that community centres do not attract social tariffs.

·       Details about each community centres such as heating and utilities cost, contracts, future plans to take it back in house and accessibility will be provided to committee. In addition to this Executive Member advised that in conjunction with officers 3 locality based workshops will be scheduled with ward councillors, an opportunity to discuss the portfolio of assets within their locality with officers.

·       Meeting was advised at the next meeting, expert witnesses involved in the community centres managed by voluntary sector will be invited to share their experiences

The Chair thanked Executive Member and officers for providing committee an overview of the role and use of community centres, that going forward he would schedule an informal meeting with officers.


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