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Agenda item

Housing Report - Voids programme


Sinem Yinak and Mike Hall presented the Housing report on Voids . The following points were highlighted :

  • Report before committee shows a good outcome on how the Service processes voids right from the point when a property becomes vacant to when it is rented.
  • The Investigative voids team undertakes a lot of intensive work in trying to ascertain if the property is used for fraudulent purposes as it is important for the Council recover the property so that it can be given to those on the allocation list.
  • In instances where Council have been informed that a vulnerable resident’s dwelling has been taken over by criminal activities by third parties, officers will not classify it as being misused but will be managed sensitively.
  • Works undertaken to bring back voids into use are checked and monitored by inhouse officers to ensure that they are up to the minimum standard in line with Council’s Void Quality standard which was agreed by members some years ago.
  • In response to a question, meeting was advised that all efforts are made to minimise waste when void properties are being restored however in some cases it is unavoidable especially if the item ie bathroom, kitchen units have exceeded its usable life or unusable.
  • Meeting was advised that in London, Islington is within the upper quartile for the key to key hand back, similarly with the number of empty property per thousand properties in the housing stock, that properties are being turned around quickly and this is due to the joint effort with colleagues in the tenancy team .
  • On the average number of voids properties being brought back into use, meeting was advised that it tends to be between 900 and 1000 over the last 15years, noting that during the pandemic, the figures went upwards following the high number of deaths . The Director advised that meeting will be provided a breakdown on the annual voids  at a future meeting.
  • Meeting was advised that the void team has been doing good work converting properties that have been bought on the open market and now being used for temporary accommodation , that the partnership working between the empty void team and the repair team is commendable.
  • On the works being carried out to restore houses, the Director informed meeting that years ago 100% of the work was undertaken by contractors but this has now reduced  since Council brought it back in house .
  • With regards contracts of the two main  external contractors, it was noted that the existing contract is nearing its end so is presently being scoped before it goes out for tender.
  • In response to a question about delays to restoring void properties in particular the removal of lumber, meeting was advised that this has eased and Council has other options in place for removal.
  • Meeting was advised that irrespective of whether contract was undertaken by the main contractor or it be subcontracted, officers had meetings weekly, that there was good quality controls in place to monitor the works carried out and also there is a VPM in place to check on at the end of the project. In addition the Service has a mechanism in place to monitor quality of works and costs.

    That the report be noted

That information relating to void properties on an annual basis be provided.

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