Agenda item
Libraries Performance Report - To follow
- Meeting of Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 7th November, 2024 7.30 pm (Item 48.)
Committee received a performance report relating to Quarter 1 and 2 which was presented by Councillor Chapman, Executive Member for Equalities, Communities and Inclusion and Michelle Gannon, Head of Libraries. The following points were highlighted:
· Visitor figures attending libraries in Islington for the above period are slightly above target, that there is an upward trend since reopening after the pandemic. Although not back to pre-covid figures yet but this is being looked into going forward.
· The corporate indicator aims to highlight the breadth of the library offer and the uptake of online and e-resources. The issues here show the take-up of a number of resources: e-books; e-audio books; e-newspapers and e-magazines that users can access via Libby, Borrowbox and other library apps.
· It was noted that the increase in take up of online issues reflects the growing popularity of e-resources and how users' needs have changed. With performance strong in the first 2 quarters, it is projected to be above that of 23/24. This increase in online use may potentially affect visitor figures as users no longer need to visit to select items. This increase in online use may potentially affect visitor figures too libraries as users no longer need to visit to select items.
· Although all libraries offer public computers and Wi-Fi which are free to use, it is noticeable that visitors use their own their devices and plug into the Council’s libraries. As a result the Council is reducing the number of computers as they are not being used however still retain some for those residents who need to access council online services and for training offers for adults.
· Over the past 10 years there has been a noticeable reduction in the demand for PCs as more people have their own devices and broadband at home and only use the space in the libraries to access free wi-fi on tablets, phones and other devices.
· In 2011/12 usage of PCs was approximately 60% take up of all available pc hours. By 2023/24 this dropped to 25%.
· Going forward as we refurbish libraries and budgets allow, we will be look to reduce the number of public PCs and increase the number of spaces for library users to use their own devices.
· The PC booking system provides detailed reports on the uptake of the public PCs, with usage currently standing at approximately 25% take up of all available sessions overall.
· The Libraries Service has developed a range of activities that engage with local people through offer bespoke and themed activities throughout the year and has a network of partners who have a range of regular activities.
· Following Digital Services decision to change the Council’s wifi, data is now available to monitor the number of users logging into the system. This will be incorporated into future quarterly reports.
· In response to a question on Equality Impact Assessment and the intention to develop an even stronger offer that addresses the inequalities by mapping an offer to need and addressing gaps, meeting was advised by Executive member that this is part of a broader piece of work that the Council is undertaking noting the Council’s Equality and Inclusion Strategy 2021 which is to be refreshed , that this will be shared with the Committee in the new municipal year.
· In response to concerns that removal of computers will affect residents not being able to access online council services, meeting was advised that some units will still be left, that following covid, data shows a fall in use.
· It was noted that although most council services are accessible online, every attempt is made to publicise the use of computers in the library especially for those who do not have devices. Officers advertise and promote the availability of computers in libraries through different organisations such as DWP, Children Centres and Community Centres.
· Islington Libraries offer 1-1 support for those who lack basic IT skills such as opening email and browsing on the internet and signpost residents to ACL and accredited courses. The Libraries also offer gadget workshops where people are taught how to use devices and the libraries work with other organisations to support their gadget workshops held in community centres.
· The Library Wifi services are advertised via leafletting, placed in community services and GP and also use other organisations such as Octopus. More work needs to be done regarding translating into other languages.
The Chair welcomed the report, reminding that future reports will
be incorporate more details as noted above.
That the report be noted
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