Agenda item
New River Head, Land Rear of 28 Amwell Street, London
Change of use and conversion of Grade II listed buildings known as the Engine House, Boiler House, Coal Store and Windmill Base from Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) to Class F1 (Learning and Non-Residential Institution) for gallery, exhibition and education use with ancillary shop, cafe and office uses. Occasional use as an events venue for private hire. Reconfiguration of North Stores and construction of foyer link between North Stores and main buildings. Provision of landscaping and public realm enhancements including creation of a pedestrian route through the Site. Reconfiguration of new vehicular and pedestrian access into the site from Amwell Street and pedestrian and servicing access from Myddelton Passage. External lighting scheme also proposed. (Joint Listed Building Consent submitted ref: P2024/1543/LBC).
(Planning application number: P2024/1540/FUL & P2024/1543/LBC)
In the discussion the following points were
· The Planning officer informed meeting that site covers an area of approximately 0.17 hectares, in a back land location to the rear of Charles Allen House, 28 Amwell Street and lies northeast of Amwell Street, close to the junction of Amwell Street with River Street, and southwest of Myddelton Passage. It was noted that site is located in the New River Conservation Area and contains various Grade II listed buildings.
· Meeting was advised that the land remains in its original use as part of an operational water provision facility, that Thames Water maintains an operational pump within the ground floor of the pump house building. It was also stated that Thames Water requires continued access to a borehole to the northeast of the windmill base and to part of the north stores building, however, Thames Water have released parts of the site for other possible uses, subject to planning permission and listed building consent being granted.
· Key planning considerations include the principle of land use, design and conservation, neighbouring amenity, transport, inclusive design, sustainability, trees, fire safety, planning obligations and planning balance.
· Planning Officer informed meeting that building has been left for a number of years and is in state of disrepair and notably internally it needs attention
· In terms of land use, meeting was advised that the proposal is a change of use from Thames Water Infrastructure facility to Use Class F1 (Learning and non-residential institution) which will now be the primary use. In addition the proposal offers an Ancillary Office and Café Use, a new pedestrian Pathway from Amwell Street to Myddelton Passage, the Heritage Interpretation Across Site and the Occasional Private Hire Use which will be controlled via Operational Management Plan (Condition 5).
· Meeting was advised that since previous was granted consent in May 2022 there have been three main Changes, increased width of Café Terrace, the removal of second floor to East End of North Stores and the removal of western extension to West End of North Stores (Education Studio).
· In terms of planning balance, meeting was advised that the new use will be the optimum viable use of the site and justified via NPPF guidance.
· Planning Officer reminded meeting that changes proposed to North Stores are less harmful to heritage as more historic fabric is being retained, that the footprint of North Stores remains as existing with only internal/external refurbishments now required.
· Planning Officer acknowledged that although there are some limited extra heritage harm identified by the café terrace extension, on balance there are heritage benefits to North Stores, noting that it has a neutral impact when compared to extant scheme.
· Meeting was reminded that proposals to rent out office space to third parties has been removed from scheme, that same planning obligation and benefits that were agreed as part of previous application also form part of the current application which provides social and cultural benefits to the immediate area and wider borough. In addition the new cultural use will bring further socioeconomic benefits to the borough beyond those captured via S106.
Councillor Klute proposed a motion to Grant planning permission and Listed Building Consent. This was seconded by Councillor North and carried.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report and subject to the prior completion of a Deed of Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1 and listed building consent to be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1
Supporting documents:
- Committee Report - New River Head - Final version, item 137. PDF 19 MB
- Map P2024-1540-FUL Land Rear Of 28 Amwell Street, Amwell Street, London, item 137. PDF 447 KB