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Committee details

Pensions Board

Purpose of committee


1.             To assist the London Borough of Islington as scheme manager in securing compliance with:

  1.  the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013;
  2. any other legislation relating to the governance and administration of the Local Government Pension Fund Scheme (LGPS);
  3. requirements imposed by the Pensions Regulator in respect of the LGPS;
  4. such other matters as the LGPS regulations may specify


2.             To assist the London Borough of Islington in securing the  effective and efficient governance and administration of the scheme;


3.             To consider cases that have been referred to the Pension Regulator and/or the Pension Ombudsman; recommending changes to processes, training and/or guidance where necessary;


4.             To produce an annual report outlining the work of the Board throughout the financial year.


5.         To make recommendations to the Pension Sub-Committee


If you have any questions please contact:

Mary Green
Islington Council
Room 107, Town Hall
Upper Street
N1 2UD
Telephone: 020 7527 3005



  • Alan Begg  (Co-Optee) 
  • Mike Calvert  (Co-Optee) 
  • Valerie Easmon-George   
  • George Sharkey  (Co-Optee) 
  • Ian Ship  (Co-Optee) 

Contact information

Support officer: Mary Green. Telephone: 020 7527 3005