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Register of interests

Councillor Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong

I, Councillor Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong a Member of the London Borough of Islington give notice that I have the following financial interests. Where indicated the interest relates to a relevant person, including a family member, partner or close relative.

1. Please state your employment or business carried out or any Partnerships or Directorships held by you or a relevant person?
Nature of employment activity Name of employer or body and position held
Personal: Head of Physics Stoke Newington School & Sixth Form, Clissold Road, London N16 9EX
Personal: Space Advocate National Space Academy, Exploration Drive, Leicester LE4 5NS
Personal: Trustee (unpaid) Islington Faces
Wife: Assistant Head for Lower School Park Primary School, Mathews Park Avenue, Stratford, London, E15 4AE
2. Do you receive payments to carry out your duties other than from the Council or towards election expenses ?
Name of Person or Body making Payments
3. Do you, a relevant person or an organisation in which you have a position of influence, have any contracts with the London Borough of Islington?
Description of Contract
4. Do you or a relevant person, have any significant interests in companies and securities?
Name of Company Nature of interest / Percentage of shareholding
Islington Greener Futures (Abundance Investments) The investment supports a range of environmental projects in the borough. It pays a return of 1.55% per year tax-free, interest is paid every six months and the original will be capital repaid after five years.
5. Do you or a relevant person have land or property in Islington?
Address/Description of Land Nature of Interest in Land
This is a Sensitive Interest, the details of which are withheld under Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011. -
6. Do you or a relevant person have any Corporate/Business tenancies?
Address/Description of Property Nature of Interest in Property
7. Do you or a relevant person have any Licences to occupy land?
Address/Description of Land
This is a Sensitive Interest, the details of which are withheld under Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011.
8. Do you hold membership of Trade Unions or Professional Associations?
Name of Body Name of Body
Personal: National Education Union Personal: Charted College of Teaching
Personal: Institute of Physics Personal: Islington Society
Personal: Cycling UK -
Wife: National Education Union Wife: National Deaf Children’s Society