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Bell-Bradford, Councillor Santiago Bell-Bradford
Bossman-Quarshie, Councillor Valerie Bossman-Quarshie
Burgess, Councillor Janet Burgess MBE
Champion, Councillor Rowena Champion
Chapman, Councillor Sheila Chapman
Chowdhury, Councillor Jilani Chowdhury
Cinko-Oner, Councillor Ilkay Cinko-Oner
Clarke, Councillor Tricia Clarke
Comer-Schwartz, Councillor Kaya Comer-Schwartz
Convery, Councillor Paul Convery
Craig, Councillor Fin Craig
Croft, Councillor Joseph Croft
Gallagher, Councillor Troy Gallagher
Gilgunn, Councillor Mick Gilgunn
Gill, Councillor Satnam Gill OBE
Graham, Councillor Phil Graham
Hamdache, Councillor Benali Hamdache
Hayes, Councillor Ruth Hayes
Heather, Councillor Gary Heather
Hyde, Councillor Sara Hyde
Ibrahim, Councillor Bashir Ibrahim
Jackson, Councillor Jason Jackson
Jeapes, Councillor Clare Jeapes
Jegorovas-Armstrong, Councillor Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong
Kay, Councillor Jenny Kay
Khondoker, Councillor Roulin Khondoker
Khurana, Councillor Anjna Khurana
Klute, Councillor Martin Klute
Mackmurdie, Councillor Ben Mackmurdie
McHugh, Councillor Hannah McHugh
Nanda, Councillor Shreya Nanda
Nargund, Councillor Praful Nargund
Nathan, Councillor Matt Nathan
North, Councillor Toby North
O'Halloran, Councillor Una O'Halloran
O'Sullivan, Councillor Michael O'Sullivan
Ogunro, Councillor Rosaline Ogunro
Ozdemir, Councillor Gulcin Ozdemir
Pandor, Councillor Saiqa Pandor
Potts, Councillor James Potts
Poyser, Councillor Dave Poyser
Russell, Councillor Caroline Russell
Safi-Ngongo, Councillor Michelline Safi-Ngongo
Shaikh, Councillor Asima Shaikh
Spall, Councillor Marian Spall
Staff, Councillor Heather Staff
Steadman, Councillor Ollie Steadman
Turan, Councillor Nurullah Turan
Ward, Councillor Diarmaid Ward
Wayne, Councillor Nick Wayne
Weekes, Councillor Angelo Weekes
Williamson, Councillor Flora Williamson
Woolf, Councillor John Woolf
Zammit, Councillor Claire Zammit
Registered gifts and hospitalities
10/12/2024 - Complimentary dinner offered by SME4Labour; accepted
24/09/2024 - Complimentary Dinner offered by Strand Group; accepted
07/08/2024 - Corporate hospitality at one day of the England vs West Indies test match offered by Sky; Declined