Councillor Joseph Croft

Title: Mental Health Champion
Party: Labour Party
Political grouping: Labour Party Group
Ward: St Mary's and St James'
Other councillors representing this Ward:
More information about this councillor
- Seek this councillor's assistance with an issue
- Attendance record
- Declarations at meetings
- Register of interests
- Gifts and hospitalities
Surgery details
Cllrs Croft, McHugh and Pandor first Monday of the month from 6pm - 7pm at Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD. Venue is wheelchair accessible.
There is no surgery in August or on Bank Holidays.
Contact information
Correspondence address:
Town Hall
Upper Street
N1 2UD
Phone: 020 7527 3114 message only
Download Councillor Joseph Croft contact details as VCard
Committee appointments
- Annual Council
- Council
- Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee (Vice-Chair)
- Licensing Committee
- Licensing Sub Committee A (Substitute)
- Licensing Sub Committee B (Substitute)
- Licensing Sub Committee C (Vice-Chair)
- Licensing Sub Committee D (Substitute)
Term of Office
- 05/05/2022 -