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Agenda item



Hybrid planning application involving Outline consent (scale, access and layout) for the phased redevelopment of the Andover Estate allowing for the erection of buildings up to 6 storeys to provide a gross total of 199 new dwellings (comprising 22 x 1 bedroom dwelling; 133 x 2 bedroom dwelling; 43 x 3 bedroom dwellings; 1 x 4 bedroom dwelling); up to 5159 sqm of affordable workspace (Use Class B1 ), 87sqm of flexible use space (Class A1/A3/B1/D1 ), estate-wide public realm and landscape improvements, including new children's play space; reconfiguration of existing estate-wide car parking; and provision of up to 763 cycle parking spaces.

Full detailed consent for part of the proposal described above involving 64 residential units (comprised of 19 x 1 bedroom flats, 31 x 2 bedroom flats and 14 x 3 bedroom houses) across 6 infill sites and reconfiguration of existing dwellings and garages); public realm improvements including new landscaping and play facilities, 87sqm of flexible use space (Class A1/A3/B 1/D1); 618 sqm affordable workspace (Use Class B1) and associated hard & soft landscaping, reconfiguration of existing estate-wide car parking; and provision of a minimum of 162 cycle parking spaces.


(Planning application number: P2017/2065/FUL)


In the discussion the following points were made:

·        The Planning Officer informed Members of a typographical error in the report, that references in the report to the provision of social rented in Phase 1 should read 34 units rather than 32.
The Planning Officer informed members of a change to the Head of Terms which required the applicant to give an opportunity of residents of the 7 most affected properties in the new scheme as a result sunlight and daylight loss. The Planning Officer informed Members that a suggestion which was being considered was the possibility of increasing their natural daylight through the provision of roof lights.

·        The Planning Officer informed the meeting of an additional condition in Recommendation B, which would improve the access arrangements for residents in Roth Walk. This condition would be appended to the minutes.

·        The Planning Officer advised of the loss of 1,408sqm of publicly accessible open space to provide newly-built affordable housing, this would be compensated as 12,500sqm of existing car parking and vehicular access would be converted into ‘Home Zones’.

·        The Planning Officer acknowledged the loss of 20 garages during the 1st phase stage and subsequent losses of both garages and parking spaces later on during the redevelopment of the estate., however the undercroft garage spaces would be converted into affordable workspace which in policy terms was considered a further benefit of the proposal.

·        With regards to the loss of play spaces and whether this would cater for future demand, Members were advised that the scheme will provide more than double of what it currently provides, from 710sqm to 1569sqm, that the child space significantly exceeds the recommended amount required by policy.

·        With regards to anti-social behaviour concerns around the siting of benches around the estate, the Principal New Homes Development Project Manager advised the meeting that elderly residents lived on the estate who would need benches, however the Project team would continue to keep this issue under review following its implementation.

·        On the issue of introducing hedges around the scheme, Members were advised that the project team would review this issue and would continue to consult with residents.

·        A resident made some comments about the layout of the child playspace and landscaping around the Old Andover, particularly with regard to the pedestrian routes and the position and potential surveillance of the proposed playspace.  Members were advised that this would be considered as part of the continuing engagement with the residents and the details would emerge as part of the landscaping details condition.

·        Members welcomed the phased redevelopment of the Andover Estate, the improvements to the public realm, the associated hard and soft landscaping, provision of affordable workspace and the net increase of 69 dwellings (first phase).

·        Members welcomed the positive relationship between the Agent, Housing officers and the Residents Steering Group in ensuring that all concerns raised were being considered.

·        Councillor Khan noted that the affordable housing provision was 64% and that the allocations were 100% to Islington.

·        Councillor Picknell queried the provision of playspace across the estate and the timing of its provision.  For example, if all the child playspace was provided in the first phase, would a deficit emerge when the second phase was implemented. The case officer confirmed that the child playspace provided in the first phase would exceed the requirement for the whole development.

·        Councillor Convery was impressed with the build cost levels set out in the viability of the report,

·        Councillor Gantly queried the relationship between crime and anti-social behaviour and commented that the design appeared to improve the supervision of the public realm.  The case officer confirmed that the police had welcomed the design.


Councillor Gantly proposed a motion to condition a requirement to carry out a pilot for benches across the estate which was not seconded.  Councillors preferred that ongoing engagement with residents should take place rather than impose a condition requirement.


Councillor Khan proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor Convery and carried.




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report plus the amendments set out above and the additional condition outlined; and conditional upon the prior completion of a Directors’ Agreement securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report, and subject to any direction by the Mayor of London to refuse the application or for it to be called in for determination by the Mayor of London.


Supporting documents: