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Agenda item



Demolition of the existing building and the construction of a seven storey, plus basement, building providing 6,369 sqm of B1 (business) floorspace, including 279sqm as 3no. flexible B1/D1 (non-residential institutions) SME units accessed from Angel Mews.  Internal substation, cycle storage, and bin stores, roof level plant enclosure, photovoltaic panels, outdoor terraces, and associated works.


(Planning application number: P2017/0297/FUL)


In the discussion the following points were made:

·         The Planning Officer informed the meeting that no additional representations had been received from neighbouring residents since the publication of the agenda.

·         Members were advised of a typographical error - On page 16 of the report, paragraph 6.1 where the existing floor space states 1,800sqm that it should be 2,431sqm. Also that the site PTAL as noted on page 15/para 5.2 as “6b”, and on p44/para 10.122 as “6a”, is correct but should read PTAL “6a/b”.

·         In response to concerns about the loss of light to the windows on the lower floors of Angel House, the case officer acknowledged that the additional height as a result of the proposal would have an impact but in the view of officers was not to such an extent to warrant a refusal.

·         A neighbour was concerned that in addition to other developments around the area, the proposal would result in further unacceptable impacts on neighbouring amenity. She was also concerned that the scale of the proposal would result in loss of reduced daylight and the use of the outdoor terraces would result in an increase in noise and loss of privacy. The resident raised concerns about the accuracy of the noise report especially with the additional noise that would be generated from the proposed plant being sited on the top floor of the building.

·         With regards to the noise pollution from the plant, the agent informed the meeting that some of the plant would be sited in the basement and that condition 19 in the report would ensure that noise levels from the proposed plant had been assessed.

·         With regard to the use of the outdoor terraces especially as the proposal was for an office development, the case officer confirmed that the third floor terrace has been omitted from the plans. A suggestion to amend condition 9 requiring that the outdoor terraces would not be used after 17.00 on weekdays and would not be used at weekends was put forward and agreed. Questions were raised regarding the privacy screens and it was acknowledged that privacy panels were included as part of the proposal.

·         Members acknowledged that there were neighbouring amenity impacts with respect of daylight and that concerns are never ignored but that the guidelines should be considered and applied flexibly as stipulated by the BRE Guidance. Additionally Members stated that planning decisions require a balance between the benefits and harm of a scheme and that in this instance the benefits of increased employment floorspace, a welcome high quality design for this site which is otherwise in a dilapidated state and given that the daylight impacts were on the lesser end of the scale when compared to some schemes considered recently by the Planning Committee, the benefits were in this instance considered to outweigh the identified impacts on the neighbouring amenity, subject to conditions including roof terrace access restrictions.  

·         Councillor Convery moved a motion to defer the item so as to allow both Planning Officers and the Agent to consider the possibility of alleviating concerns regarding the impact of the loss of light by remodelling the shape and design of the scheme. This was seconded by Councillor Gantly but was not carried.

·         Councillor Fletcher proposed a motion to approve subject to the amendments to condition 9. This was seconded by Councillor Nicholls and was carried.  




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report plus the amendment to condition 9 as stated above and conditional on the prior completion of a Deed of Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1.


Supporting documents: