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Agenda item

Scrutiny Review - Estate Services Management - Presentation/SID


David Salenius, Principal Housing Manager – Estate Services, Housing and Adult Social Services, was present for discussion of this item and laid round a document for Members of the Committee, a copy of which is interleaved.


Members considered the circulated Scrutiny Initiation Document.


During consideration of the report the following main points were made –


·         A Member expressed the view that the SID should include how services were provided to tenants with additional needs, such as the disabled, long term sick etc.and propose improvements in this area

·         The Committee also needed to look at the provision of street cleaning services and estate cleaning services to ensure a joined up approach is being taken and witness evidence from Environment and Regeneration be added to the list of witnesses in the SID

·         Reference was made to the Special Projects staff and it was stated that recruitment to outstanding vacancies is currently taking place

·         A Member referred to the Health and Safety hazards caused by tenants having plants, buggies etc. on landings and walkways on estates and that despite her reporting this no action had been taken. David Salenius stated that if details were provided following the meeting he would investigate this. However it was noted that some estates were provided with balcony boxes for tenants

·         In response to a question it was stated that funding for estate improvement schemes was allocated usually by Tenants and Residents Associations however proposals from Ward Councillors were considered and surveys of tenants carried out in addition to proposals put forward by the Estate Services Management team

·         A Member referred to problems with illegal parking on estates and it was stated that parking enforcement was dealt with by a contractor, however if there were problems Members could contact him and he would ensure that the contractor targeted any problem estates

·         Members expressed the view that there was a need to look at the role of caretakers to undertake additional functions on estates and that this should be added to the SID. In addition there should be details provided of any work that is currently contracted/sub contracted out

·         Reference was made to the fact that £666,000 had been spent in 2013/14 on scaffolding for non responsive repairs and that the Council should consider setting up its own house scaffolding team as this may prove cost effective. David Salenius responded that whilst this was not his responsibility he sure that any cost effective measures were being investigated by the new ‘in house’ service



(a)  That the Scrutiny Initiation Document be approved subject to the following additions –

How services are provided to tenants with additional needs

The provision of street cleaning/estates cleaning services and improvements for a more ‘joined up’ approach and the addition of a representative from Environment and Regeneration be added to the list of witnesses

The role of caretakers and whether there were additional duties that could take on on estates



(b)  That if Members had any further proposals for addition to the SID these should be provided to the Chair and Head of Democratic Services for consideration

(c)  That any problems relating to landings and hallways and illegal parking on estates, as referred to above, be reported to the Principal Housing Manager, Estate Services, for investigation






                The Chair thanked officers for their presentation

Supporting documents: