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Agenda item

Housing Allocations - Presentation


Karen Lucas, Head of Housing Needs, Housing and Adult Social Services, was present for discussion of this matter and made a presentation to the Committee thereon, a copy of which is interleaved.


During consideration of the report the following main points were made –


·         It was noted that there was an uneven spread of voids in the borough with 16 voids in Barnsbury, 36 in Highbury East with 118 in Bunhill and 130 in Mildmay

·         RSL’s could not refuse Council nominations for housing, except where there were too higher needs for general housing

·         Some applicants were not accepting RSL properties as they were not able to afford the rent

·         In response to a question about the accommodation being provided for children leaving care it was stated that there were none in temporary accommodation and Housing, in partnership with Children’s Services, had set up a small hostel for use  by Children’s Services and she could confirm that there were no care leavers in bed and breakfast accommodation

·         In response to a question it was stated that the average number of points required for rehousing were 152 points for a bedsit, 193 for a 1BR, 222 points for a 2BR, 211 for a 3 BR and 260 for a 4BR but there were variations between wards as to the number of points required

·         Reference was made to the fact that it would be useful to have information as to the main factors that determine how people are allocated accommodation, including how many next generation residents have been allocated accommodation

·         In relation to the measures that the Council adopt to encourage tenants to downsize, it was stated that tenants were incentivised to downsize as to the number of bedrooms they give up, and assistance was given to help them with removal costs and officers assist with the process

·         In response to a question about the average turnaround time for a void, it was stated that this information would be circulated to Members following the meeting but once returned to Housing these were usually let within a few weeks

·         Reference was made to the Choice Based Lettings website and that this needed to be improved in order to provide more information as to details of the properties in order that people can make a more informed choice as to whether to bid for them. This was even more important in the instances where prospective tenants suffered from a disability or other impairments

·         In response to a question as to the rent guarantee for tenants who downsize and how long this lasted for it was stated that this information would be provided to Members following the meeting



(a)  That Members be provided with information as to the main factors that determine how people are allocated housing including how many next generation residents have been allocated accommodation




(b)  That details of the average turnaround time for voids be circulated to Members of the Committee for information


(c)  That Members be circulated with details of the rent guarantee for tenants who downsize