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Agenda item

Bone Daddies, 10 Baldwin Street, EC1V 9NU - Application for a new premises licence


The licensing officer reported that there had been one response to the notice of hearing and the resident still required that the meeting be held. Hours had been reduced to framework hours.


The applicant’s representative reported that this was to be a Japanese Ramen restaurant.  As recorded music had been applied for from 11pm until midnight on Fridays and Saturdays, noise conditions had been agreed with the noise officer and would be added to the licence if granted.  Noise conditions were tabled and would be interleaved with the agenda papers.  This was a restaurant but music would be above background levels.  Windows did not open and the restaurant was air conditioned.  There was to be no external drinking. Hours had been amended to start at 11am on Sunday although midday could be agreed. It was a food led premises and fell within the exception to the cumulative impact policy. The licensing authority agreed that the application was policy compliant.


In response to questions, it was stated that music was slightly above the background level at the other three Bone Daddy restaurants and the noise officer was happy with the additional conditions as the restaurant was situated in a modern building with double glazing.  The applicant would like the flexibility for the bar area. The capacity was for 65 persons in the restaurant and another 10 to 15 in the bar area. The police had agreed 15 people in the bar area.  A plan indicating the revised hatched area could be resubmitted.



a) The application for a new premises licence in respect of Bone Daddies, 10 Baldwin Street, EC1V 9NU be granted:-

i)       To permit the premises to sell alcohol on and off the premises from 11 am to 11pm on Sundays to Thursdays and 11 am to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.

ii)      To allow the provision of late night refreshment from 11pm to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.

iii)    To allow the provision of recorded music from 11pm to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.

The proposed opening hours are 11am to 11pm on Sundays to Thursdays and 11am to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.


b) Conditions as outlined in appendix 3 as detailed on page 106 of the agenda with the following amendment and additionshall be applied to the licence.


·          Condition 2 to read. The supply of alcohol at the premises shall only be to persons taking a table meal or have booked a table meal and are drinking prior to their meal on the bar area. The bar area customers shall be limited to 15 persons waiting to eat and consumption of alcohol by customers shall be ancillary to their meal.


Additional noise conditions.

·          On receipt of a substantiated noise complaint an assessment of sound insulation will be undertaken and appropriate improvement works and noise control measures carried out, so as to ensure that music and people noise generated within the licensed premises meets with the Council’s noise criteria within noise sensitive premises to the satisfaction of the Council’s Noise Team, in writing, before any regulated entertainment takes place.

·          During the hours that regulated entertainment takes place, windows shall be closed and doors closed so far as reasonably practicable.

Supporting documents: