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Issue - meetings

New Build Programme Scrutiny - Executive Member's Response

Meeting: 18/10/2018 - Executive (Item 557)

557 New Build Programme Scrutiny - Executive Member's Response to the recommendations of the Housing Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 113 KB



Reason for decision – as specified in the report.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.

Link to report




2.1     That the responses to the recommendations made by the Housing
          Scrutiny Committee set out in section 4 of this report and progress to
          date be noted.

2.2     That officers report back on progress to the Housing Scrutiny
          Committee in 12 months’ time be agreed.


Reason for decision – to respond to the recommendations of the Housing Scrutiny Committee.

Other options considered – none other than as specified in the report.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.