Issue - meetings
Effectiveness of Housing Communications - Executive Member's Response to the Housing Scrutiny Committee's recommendations
Meeting: 06/09/2018 - Executive (Item 544)
Reason for decision – as specified in the report.
Other options considered - none.
Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.
Councillor Ward thanked the Scrutiny Committee for their work and a very good report. Councillor Ward advised that ideas for improving housing communications are very welcome.
2.1 That the responses to the recommendations made by the Housing Scrutiny Committee set out in Section 4 of the report and progress to date be noted.
2.2 That officers will report back on progress to the Housing Scrutiny Committee in 12 months’ time be noted.
Reason for decision – to respond to the Housing Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations.
Other options considered – none other than as specified in the report.
Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.