Issue - meetings
The London CIV - review of governance arrangements
Meeting: 06/09/2018 - Executive (Item 548)
548 The London CIV - review of governance arrangements PDF 112 KB
Reason for decision – as specified in the report.
Other options considered - none.
Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.
2.1 That the new governance arrangements for the London CIV as summarised in paragraph 4 of the report and set out in the letter from the Chief Executive of the London CIV and the chief Executive of London Councils in the exempt Appendix, be agreed.
2.2 That the revocation of the delegation of functions to the Pensions CIV Joint Committee under the London Councils Governing Agreement approved by the Executive on 3 April 2014 viz: “those functions of the Council necessary for the proper functioning of the ACS Operator, including the effective oversight of the ACS Operator and the appointment of Directors” and that the Acting Director of Law and Governance be authorised to sign the necessary notice on behalf of the Council be agreed.
Reason for decision – to enable the new arrangements for the London CIV to be put in place.
Other options considered – none other than as considered in the report.
Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.