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Issue - meetings

Finsbury Square Project

Meeting: 16/01/2020 - Executive (Item 678)

678 Finsbury Square Project pdf icon PDF 144 KB



Reason for decision – as specified in the report.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.

Link to the report.






That the proposal from Hondo Enterprises to Finsbury Square to redevelop the underground car park and open space as shown in the indicative outline design CGI (attached as exempt Appendix 1a) be noted;



That it be noted that a Task and Finish Group was established chaired by the Executive Member for Environment and Transport and involving other Executive members and officers to consider the proposal and options for the redevelopment of Finsbury Square;



That the Heads of Terms negotiated with AG Finsbury Square BV (attached as exempt Appendix 1b) be noted, and that authority be delegated to the Corporate Director for Environment & Regeneration to make any amendments to and finalise the Heads of Terms following consultation with the Executive Member for Environment & Transport;



That working in partnership with Hondo Enterprise be agreed, and to create development plans for Finsbury Square Open space and the enhanced use of the underground space including public consultation for the Council’s approval and the commencement of pre-application planning discussions, be agreed;



That the development pre-conditions that must be satisfied in order for the developer to proceed (as detailed in section 3.12.1) be noted, and entering into a Conditional Agreement with AG Finsbury Square BV in order to support the submission of a planning application be agreed;



That it be noted that the Council’s costs will be met by Hondo Enterprises including all reasonable legal costs.