Issue - meetings
Contaminated waste and waste container charges
Meeting: 27/05/2021 - Executive (Item 808)
808 Contaminated waste and waste container charges PDF 318 KB
Additional documents:
Reasons for decision – to support the delivery of savings detailed in the
Medium Term Financial Strategy
Other options considered – as specified in the report,
different pricing structures have been modelled
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
That the introduction of a charge to
landlords for the cost of collection of contaminated
recycling from communal properties, to be implemented as soon as
practicable, be agreed;
b) That the introduction of a new repairs and maintenance scheme to waste container owners based on the £50 per annum model, to be implemented as soon as practicable, be agreed.
Reasons for decision – to support the
delivery of savings detailed in the Medium Term Financial
Other options considered – as specified in the report,
different pricing structures have been modelled
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none