Issue - meetings
Monthly Budget Monitor, including funding allocations and adjustments to the capital programme (Month 5 - 2021/22)
Meeting: 14/10/2021 - Executive (Item 835)
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - 2021-22 GF Key Variances - Month 5, item 835 PDF 201 KB
- Appendix 2 - 2021-22 Revenue by Service Area - Month 5, item 835 PDF 206 KB
- Appendix 3 - 2021-22 Capital - Month, item 835 PDF 622 KB
- Webcast for Monthly Budget Monitor, including funding allocations and adjustments to the capital programme (Quarter 5 2021/22)
Reasons for decision – to ensure the financial resilience of the council
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
a) That the forecast 2021/22 General Fund budget variance and summary update on the deliverability of agreed budget savings (Section 3, Tables 1-2 and Appendices 1-2 of the report) be noted;
b) That the forecast in-year budget variance on the Housing Revenue Account (Section 4 of the report) be noted;
c) That the 2021/22 capital expenditure forecast of £169.082m be noted; and it be noted that a review of the profiling of the capital programme is currently underway (Section 5, Table 4 and Appendix 3 of the report);
d) That it be noted that £0.119m has been added to the 2021/22 capital programme for additional works on the Bunhill 2 Project, following approval by the Executive (Paragraph 5.4 of the report).
Reasons for decision – to ensure the financial resilience of the council
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none