Issue - meetings
Revised procurement spend for 2020-2024 energy supply contracts
Meeting: 09/06/2022 - Executive (Item 905)
905 Revised procurement spend for the council's 2020-2024 energy supply contract PDF 478 KB
Additional documents:
Reasons for decision – to respond to the significantly increased market prices for electricity and gas
Other options considered – as detailed in the report, demand reduction measures are also being implemented. Procurement options are set out in detail in the exempt appendix.
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Councillor Champion introduced the report.
Councillor Russell asked about the council’s plans for supporting council tenants and leaseholders with rising energy bills, and any plans for reducing energy usage in residential buildings. In response, Councillor Champion advised that this important work was ongoing as part of the council’s Net Zero Carbon programme, with the Homes and Neighbourhoods department targeting support to the most vulnerable residents. The current situation was very challenging and government intervention was required in order to fully address fuel poverty and the climate emergency.
Councillor Hamdache asked if the council had carried out any modelling on the potential financial benefits of retrofitting council estates with energy saving measures. In response, it was advised that the Council was working with University College London to better understand how best to retrofit properties and to model the costs associated with that. It was acknowledged that the Council had limited resources to retrofit properties, however it was important to take action in the most effective way possible.
(i) That the increase in energy costs to the council and other organisations the council purchases on behalf of be noted.
(ii) That the publication of a contract modification notice regarding the increase in value of the energy supply contracts be approved.
(iii) That the budget mitigation measures set out in section 8 for dealing with the cost increase be noted.
(iv) That the proposal to review heating and electricity charges for tenants and leaseholders in section 8.2 of the report be noted.
(v) That the risks related to the energy price increases and demand reduction measures set out in section 9 for mitigating the cost increases be noted.
(vi) To support officers to commence commercial discussions and explore options for the existing contact, as set out in exempt appendix 1 to the report, be agreed.
Reasons for decision – to respond to the significantly increased market prices for electricity and gas
Other options considered – as detailed in the report, demand reduction measures are also being implemented. Procurement options are set out in detail in the exempt appendix.
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none