Issue - meetings
Fairer Together Strategy
Meeting: 12/01/2023 - Executive (Item 63)
63 Fairer Together, Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy PDF 98 KB
Additional documents:
- Fairer Together Early Intervention Prevention strategy (003), item 63 PDF 9 MB
- Webcast for Fairer Together, Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy
Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
That the Fairer Together Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Leader of the Council, be approved and adopted.
Reasons for the decision – To deliver better outcomes for and with local people, co-owned across the partnership, to ensure that change and the power shift was tangible and successfully achieved.
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none