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Issue - meetings

Sobell Leisure Centre Facilities changes

Meeting: 18/05/2023 - Executive (Item 119)

119 Sobell Leisure Centre Facilities changes pdf icon PDF 411 KB

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AGREED recommendations.


Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none



The Executive Member for Health and Social Care outlined the Council’s rationale for proposing not to reinstate the ice rink at the Sobell Leisure Centre.


A number of members of the public and councillors asked questions about the proposals in the report which were responded to by the Executive Member for Health and Social Care and Council officers.



(a) That the Council is minded not to reinstate an ice rink at the Sobell Leisure Centre for the reasons set out in the report of the Executive Member for Health and Social Care.

(b) To consult and engage with users and the wider community on the proposal not to reinstate the ice rink and to replace the lost facilities with a new offer to appeal to a wider user base to increase physical activity, particularly by young people.

(c) To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Resources, following consultation with the Executive Member for Health and Social Care, to make a decision as to the future uses of Sobell, following the consultation.


Reasons for the decision The financial costs of operating the ice rink at a significant deficit were not considered to be sustainable, particularly in the context of high utility prices and high levels of inflation along with the changing ice offer with the opening of the Lee Valley Ice Centre. Not re-instating the ice rink would save a significant level of carbon and enable renewable options to cover more of the utility load for the Centre, enabling the Centre to move closer towards a net zero carbon position.  In addition, usage levels of the ice rink were relatively low in comparison with the potential increases in usage levels of alternative facilities that were appealing to a broader range of users and had increased capacity. This would support the Council’s strategic objective to get more inactive residents active, in particular, but not exclusively, children and teenagers.

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none