Agenda and draft minutes
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Contact: Jonathan Moore Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes of the previous meeting Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 29 February 2024 be agreed as a correct record and the Mayor be authorised to sign them. |
Mayoral Announcements (a) Apologies for absence (b) Declaration of interest (c) Order of business (d) Mayor’s announcements
Additional documents: Minutes: (i) Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillors Gallagher, Graham, Khondoker, Safi-Ngongo, McHugh and Bossman- Quarshie
(ii) Declaration of interests None.
No declarations were made
(iii) Order of Business.
The order of business was as per the Agenda
(iv) Mayor’s Announcements
Since the Mayor’s last update to the Council meeting at the end of February, it had been another busy few months as Mayor. The Mayor had attended many events including International Women’s Day with the Kurdish and Middle Eastern Women's Organisation, St David’s Day and St Patrick’s Day flag-raising ceremonies, and the Finsbury Park Community Iftar.
The Mayor thanked all of those who had nominated local residents for the Mayor's Civic and Ben Kinsella Awards and said he was pleased to recognise those who do so much to support their local community.
The Mayor had attended a community planting and
litter-picking session with volunteers at Islington Green and
commented on the importance of keeping our green spaces tidy, and
how participating in community events can be beneficial for
The Mayor had attended the launch of a new library at Moreland Primary School, which had been officially opened by Her Majesty Queen Camilla, and the next day, attended the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.
The Mayor had attended an event at the Toy Project, which recycles unwanted toys and holds events for children, the Mayor's identity had been mistaken yet again, this time for “The President.”
The Mayor also extended a warm welcome to the newly-elected councillor Ollie Steadman and expressed a big thank you to everybody who worked on the recent elections.
Leader's Announcements · The Leader will address the Council; · The Leader of the Opposition will then be invited to respond. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader thanked the outgoing Mayor for an incredible term, highlighting achievements in supporting armed forces, amplifying charity work, and participating in community celebrations. The Leader noted the Mayor's positive spirit amidst global challenges, reflecting the best of Islington. They welcomed Councillor Khurana as the incoming Mayor, confident in her ability to excel in the role.
The Leader also welcomed new Islington Labour Councillor Ollie Steadman and mentioned the successful elections of Assembly Member Sem Moema and Sadiq Khan's historic third term as Mayor of London. They expressed pride in Islington's achievements under the Labour administration, including delivering on manifesto pledges, maintaining a balanced budget, continuing new homes programmes, and working to tackle the climate emergency.
Additionally, the Leader commented on the recent launch of two family hubs, focusing on children's well-being, and also welcomed that Islington was leading in environmental initiatives like the healthy streets scorecard, which had recently found Islington was the best-performing borough for traffic-free School Streets, and also the people-friendly streets programme. The Leader emphasised the importance of these accomplishments in influencing a future Labour government to create a more equal Islington. This week, Islington had been visited by the Shadow Minister for Immigration to observe the council’s pioneering Borough of Sanctuary work and continued advocacy for refugees and migrants.
The Leader concluded by expressing pride in the work of the council, stressing the need to continue working hard towards the next election to achieve the vision for 2026 and beyond, and in particular commented on the need for fair funding reform for social care and building more council homes.
The Leader of the Opposition responded. They started by thanking the Mayor for their service, noting their joy and enthusiasm for civic life, which had been both contagious and exemplary. The Leader of the Opposition and colleagues appreciated seeing the Mayor at many events, acknowledging their passion for the community. The Leader of the Opposition also praised the Mayor's fairness in meetings, including managing time limits and disturbances, ensuring Council business progressed and rules were followed. The Leader of the Opposition also thanked the Mayor for their work with their charities, particularly in promoting voluntary opportunities for residents. Congratulations were extended to Councillor Khurana, with anticipation for their unique approach to the role in the coming year.
Reflecting on the wider context, the Leader of the Opposition celebrated recent election results, noting that ten councils previously run by Conservatives were now under progressive majorities. The Leader of the Opposition also highlighted Councillor Russell’s re-election to the London Assembly, and commented on the need to hold the Mayor of London to account.
Looking ahead to the general election, the Leader of the Opposition commented on its significance due to government austerity undermining public services and council budgets, the government’s divisive culture, and international policies contributing to conflict. The Leader of the Opposition noted that Islington often becomes a target during elections, symbolising various negative stereotypes. The Leader of the Opposition expressed pride in Islington's values, diversity, and ... view the full minutes text for item 28. |
Vote of Thanks and Presentation of Commemorative Badges to Outgoing Mayor and Consort Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor O’Halloran moved a vote of thanks to the Outgoing Mayor, Councillor Heather and the Outgoing Mayoress, Councillor Tricia Clarke. Councillor Mackmurdie seconded. Councillors commented on the outgoing Mayor’s dedicated service and passion for the community, which included engaging residents through numerous events and emphasising the importance of volunteers.
The Outgoing Mayor expressed gratitude to their family, council colleagues, and their Mayoress Councillor Tricia Clarke and for the enjoyable and privileged opportunity to serve the people of the borough. Throughout the year, they aimed to be a Mayor for all residents and engage with the diverse array of individuals and organisations that make up Islington, while also highlighting the importance of volunteering and community spirit. They thanked everyone who supported them, including the Mayor's Office, Deputy Mayor, Mayoress, and their chosen charity Voluntary Action Islington for making the tenure a success. It had been an honour and a privilege that would be cherished forever.
To Elect the Mayor of the London Borough of Islington for the ensuing Municipal Year Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor O’Halloran, seconded by Councillor Turan, moved that Councillor Khurana be elected as the Mayor for the ensuing municipal year.
That Councillor Khurana be elected as the Mayor of the London Borough of Islington for 2024/25.
The Council adjourned while Councillor Khurana was invested with the robes of office.
The Mayor (Councillor Anjna Khurana) in the Chair |
Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Mayor Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor accepted by office by making the required declaration.
The Mayor advised that their Consort would be Micky Khurana
The Mayor thanked their colleagues, friends and family. The Mayor congratulated Councillor Heather on their year as Mayor. The Mayor announced that the charity for this year would be Brickworks Community Centre.
The Mayor appointed Councillor Jason Jackson to the role of Deputy Mayor. Tatiana Jackson was appointed as the Deputy Mayor’s Consort. |
Appointment of the Deputy Leader and the Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Comer-Schwartz introduced the paper.
The Council noted the following appointments made by Councillor Comer-Schwartz as Leader of the Council:
· Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Finance & Performance - Cllr Diarmaid Ward
· Executive Member for Inclusive Economy, Culture & Jobs - Cllr Santiago Bell-Bradford
· Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality & Transport - Cllr Rowena Champion
· Executive Member for Equalities, Communities & Inclusion - Cllr Sheila Chapman
· Executive Member for Homes & Neighbourhoods - Cllr Una O’Halloran
· Executive Member for Children, Young People & Families - Cllr Michelline Safi Ngongo
· Executive Member for Health & Social Care - Cllr Flora Williamson
· Executive Member for Community Safety - Cllr John Woolf |
Constitution Update Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Craig moved the recommendations in the report. The recommendations were put to the vote and CARRIED.
RESOLVED: (i) To approve the amendments to the Constitution as detailed in the report and set out in the appendix. (ii) To update all references to the Scrutiny Committees in the Constitution to reflect the new committee structure.
Calculation of Political Balance (Proportionality) and arrangements for committees Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Craig moved the recommendations in the report. The recommendations were put to the vote and CARRIED.
(i) That the Council note the political balance of the Council is: - 46 Members of the Labour Group - 3 Members of the Green Group - 2 independent members, who are not a member of a political group.
That the allocation of
seats on committees, as detailed in Table 2 in paragraph 3.7 of the
report, be approved. (iii) That the Programme of Meetings for 2024-25 be noted.
Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Craig moved the recommendations in the report. The recommendations were put to the vote and CARRIED.
(a) That Council note that the Labour group have notified the following appointments:
(b) That Council note that the Green group have notified the following appointments:
(c) That the following appointments be made to the Council’s Committees for 2024/25 or until successors are appointed;
Appointment of representatives to serve on outside organisations Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Craig moved the recommendations in the report. The recommendations were put to the vote and CARRIED.
A. To agree the following list of appointments to outside bodies for 2024/25 for the remainder of the year or until successors are appointed:
B. To agree the following list of appointments to outside bodies to take effect on the date indicated, for the term of office indicated, or until successors are appointed:
Resolution to extend 6-month rule - Section 85 Local Government Act 1972 Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Craig moved the recommendations in the report. The recommendations were put to the vote and CARRIED.
To agree that, in accordance with Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972, Council approves Councillor Phil Graham’s non-attendance at meetings until the end of the calendar year on the grounds of continued ill health and that the Council’s best wishes be conveyed to him. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Craig moved the recommendations in the report. The recommendations were put to the vote and CARRIED.
(1) The following have been appointed to serve on Independent Admission Appeal Panels. These panels consider appeals against schools’ decisions on admissions.
(2) The following have been appointed to serve on Independent Review Panels. These panels review decisions about school exclusions.
(3) In accordance with regulations, training will be available to all panel members serving on such panels.