Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD. View directions
Contact: Mary Green 020 7527 3005
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Received from Councillor Kat Fletcher.
Declaration of substitute members Minutes: None. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 82 KB Minutes:
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2019 be confirmed as an accurate record of proceedings and the Chair be authorised to sign them. |
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the membership of the Licensing Regulatory Committee, appointed by the Council on 16 May 2019, its terms of reference and dates of meetings for the municipal year 2019/20, as detailed in Appendix A of the report of the Interim Corporate Director of Resources, be noted. |
Minutes: In his introduction and welcome to the meeting, the Chair informed all present that Committee members had read all of the written material presented to them with the agenda, including additional emails, one dated 3 June 2019, from Mr Philip Day of Laceys Solicitors, representing the applicant, and the other from one of the objectors and dated 11 June 2019.
The Licensing Officer reminded the Committee of the background to this application, when the Committee had granted a Special Treatments Licence to the applicant on 4 February 2019. Referring to page 26 of the agenda, he noted that there had been two complaints made to the Council’s ASB Team since February 2019, when the Committee had last considered an application for a Special Treatment Licence for this premises. The first complaint was dated 23 May 2019 and the next complaint had been received on 8 June 2019, logged at 4.40pm. The ASB Team had contacted the complainant at 5.45pm, when the complainant had said that the odour had cleared, but that they wanted the complaint recorded for the record. In response to a question as to whether there had been any further complaints, the Licensing Officer said that there had been localised complaints and that was why these had been contained in the exempt appendix, since it had not been possible to redact the paperwork without identifying the residents.
The applicant asked whether any odours had been witnessed since 4 February 2019 and the Licensing Officer confirmed that there had not.
One of the complainants asked whether the Council had sufficient services in place to ensure that complaints of odour could be witnessed in the future. The Licensing Officer confirmed that there were sufficient services in place and that the Council’s ASB Team had responded to and witnessed odour complaints at the premises in the past.
The applicant stated the grounds for her application, stating that she was keen to work with the Council to understand the issues of which the objector had complained. She had spent time and money on the premises to put things right. She was grateful that a Special Treatments Licence had been granted in February 2019 and that no odours had been witnessed since that time. Her colleague, who managed the premises, said that she too was keen to work with the Council to ensure that there were no issues and had engaged with the Angel Business Improvement District, who had shared with them the costs of installing smell sensors in the basement of the premises and with wifi costs. The sensors would be able to receive and record data on odour.
In response to a question from a member of the Committee as to whether there was a system in place for the upstairs residents to complain if the odour was too strong, the applicant said that both residents had their email addresses. She added that there had been a complaint about noise, but not about odour.
A member of the Committee asked whether ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |
Renewal of Special Treatment Licence application - London Grace, 35 Camden Passage, N1 8EA - exempt appendix Minutes: RESOLVED: That the contents of the exempt appendix be noted.