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Agenda item

Dixon Clark Court, Canonbury Road, London, N1 2UR


The construction of 41 new dwelling units comprising 6 x 1B2P, 6 x 2B3P, 25 x 2B4P, 3 x 3B5P and 1 x4B6P with associated amenity space, for affordable and private homes, provided in five residential mews blocks ranging from 1 to 4 storeys in height and one residential block of 6 storeys in height, bicycle parking spaces and improvements to the public realm; the provision of 39sqm of space for community use; and the demolition of lock-up storage units and site management office, the demolition and relocation of the sub-station; and the conversion of two existing dwellings to bicycle, refuse and ancillary storage.



(Planning application number: P2017/2936/FUL)


In the discussion the following points were made:

·         The Planning Officer advised Members that the proposal will deliver a mix of high quality residential accommodation including family sized homes of which 27 (66%) will be affordable homes for social rent, a significant increase in affordable homes in accordance with London Plan (Policy 3.3). In addition the scheme would result in improvements to the public realm and the re provision of useable amenity space and qualitative improvements to the estate’s landscaping.

·         Members were advised that the scheme would result in the improvement to the frontage building onto Highbury Roundabout/Canonbury Road and the initial heights of the building had been reduced in light of concerns about the density of the site and trees have been retained to ensure that any impact on neighbouring amenity is minimised.  

·         Objectors welcomed the proposed regeneration of the area but had concerns with the impact of the scheme on the surrounding heritage assets such as Canonbury Conservation Area and the Grade II listed terrace dwellings along Compton Road. Other concerns included loss of privacy due to the height of block 6, the overdevelopment of the site, daylight and sunlight loss, the quality of accommodation, the loss of trees and car parking spaces.

·         In response to the objectors concerns about loss of open spaces, Members were advised by the applicant that the proposed scheme would provide a large communal garden area along the boundary with the neighbouring school. In addition Members were informed that several new private gardens would be provided and new soft landscaping and tree planting along the frontage of the proposed mew buildings.

·         In response to an objectors concern that inaccurate verified views or GGI’s had been used to assess the application, the Planning Officer advised that planning assessments, recommendations were not based on verified views or CCI but rather on scaled drawings and plans.   On the issue said and Cllr Kay also reiterated that planning assessments, recommendations and decisions are not based on verified views or CGIs but rather on scaled drawings and plans. As such, presence of CGIs that may or may not be distorted do not influence decisions

·         With regards to the loss of daylight, Members were advised that vast majority of neighbouring residential properties would not suffer noticeable losses of VSC and daylight distribution and would retain good levels of daylight and sunlight.

·         In response to privacy concerns raised by residents on Compton Road, Compton Terrace, Canonbury Road and Compton Avenue, the Planning Officer advised that the separation distance was over 18 metres from the proposed buildings and windows within them. With regards to overlooking and privacy concerns from proposed roof terraces, the Officer advised that this had been addressed by condition 5 by ensuring that obscure glazing and privacy screens would be installed prior to the occupation of the relevant units. 

·         With regards to the impact of the noise levels during construction activities especially with neighbouring residents, Members were informed that a Construction Environmental Management Plan would have to be submitted before any works commenced so as to minimise any impact on the living environment and amenities of local residents in terms of noise and disturbance, dust, noise, vibration and construction traffic.

·         Members welcomed the scheme as policy compliant, delivering an appropriate balance between respecting the integrity of the estate on the one hand and providing high quality contemporary design on the other.

·         Councillor Kay reiterated Planning Officers view that Committee’s decisions were not based on verified views or CGI but on drawings and plans.

·         Members acknowledged that the benefits as a result of the scheme outweighs any impact on the amenity of neighbouring residents especially as it would be  providing social housing for local residents and enhance the area especially in light of the Highbury Corner redevelopment.





That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives and subject to the prior completion of a Director’s Agreement securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1.

Supporting documents: