Agenda item
Highland House, 6-10 Market Road, London, N7 9PW
Rebuilding parts of the existing elevations including alterations to the existing fenestration, with new glazed entrance doors to the south elevation. Infilling ground floor car park to provide additional office accommodation and internal refurbishment and reconfiguration. Proposed roof terraces to first and second floors to rear elevation. Installation of new plant equipment and associated enclosures at roof level (following removal of existing roof level structures).
(Planning application number: P2019/0187/FUL)
In the discussion the following points were made:
· The Planning Officer corrected a typographical error to proposed Condition 6 as set out in the report submitted. It was clarified that the condition should read ‘Within 3 months of the installation of new items of fixed plant a report is to be commissioned by the applicant, using an appropriately experienced & competent person, to assess the noise from the proposed mechanical plant to demonstrate compliance with condition 5. The report shall include site measurements of the plant in situ. The report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and any noise mitigation measures shall be installed before commencement of the use hereby permitted and permanently retained thereafter. In the event the required noise levels in condition 5 are exceeded, the plant equipment shall cease until a report is submitted and approved in writing to the Local Planning Authority setting out remediation measures to prevent this. Such measures shall then be implemented within 3 months of the approval of the report, and retained thereafter.’
· The Planning Officer summarised additional objections received since the publication of the officer’s report. These included the position of the goods lift, which objectors considered would unacceptably impact on the sunlight to neighbouring properties; the angle of the ground floor roof lights; the visual impact of the proposed rooftop louvres; noise emitting from plant machinery; overlooking from the roof terrace and windows; the colour of brickwork, cladding and metal panels; and a request that details of swift boxes should be submitted to the local planning authority.
· Officers advised that the proposed development would result in some loss of daylight and sunlight to neighbouring properties, however this loss of light was within BRE guidelines.
· Following a query on the noise and vibration report, officers confirmed that the proposed development was consistent with the borough’s development management policies.
· The Sub-Committee heard objections from members of the public. These included that the development would result in a loss of light to neighbouring properties, that the angle and proposed material of the roof lights would further reduce light into neighbouring properties, that the noise from the plant machinery may be unacceptable and a pre-installation report should be submitted to the local planning authority to allow its impact to be assessed, that internal lights may be used 24 hours a day and this would cause unacceptable disturbance to nearby residents, that the development of a terrace would lead to overlooking of nearby properties, that windows should be treated to prevent overlooking, and that the visual impact of the development could be minimised by choosing materials in an appropriate colour.
· The applicant’s representative addressed the Sub-Committee. It was highlighted that the application had been improved following consultation with the local planning authority and this had resulted in a reduction in the proposed footprint and height of the development. It was emphasised that the proposed development was fully compliant with BRE regulations. It was commented that the proposed development would become the headquarters of a retail business and the applicant’s representative explained the ambitions and ethos of the company.
· The Sub-Committee queried if the proposed scale of the plant area on the roof of the building was necessary. In response, the applicant’s representative advised that this had been reduced as much as possible, however a significant amount of plant machinery was needed for an office of this size.
· The Sub-Committee noted that an objector had called for a pre-installation report on the impact of the proposed plant machinery. Officers advised that such reports were not standard practice.
· The Sub-Committee discussed to what extent the development would impact on the light to neighbouring properties.
· The Sub-Committee considered that light emitting from the proposed development at night could be mitigated through the use of timer-controlled blackout blinds.
Councillor Woolf proposed that the application be granted subject to additional and amended conditions. Specifically: an additional condition that the angle of the roof lights be amended to approximate what is currently in place and that the roof lights be made of a translucent material; an additional condition that timer-controlled blackout blinds be installed and that details of the building management plan be submitted to the local planning authority; an additional condition that the existing and new brick areas be a natural brick colour; and an amendment to Condition 15 to clarify that terraces on the east elevation are for repair and maintenance use only. The wording of the conditions was delegated to officers. This was seconded by Councillor Klute and carried.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and
recommendations therein), the presentation to the Sub-Committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out at Appendix 1 of the officer report and the additional and amended conditions set out above.
Supporting documents:
6-10 Market Road Final, item 60.
Map P2019-0187- FUL Highland House, 6 - 10 Market Road, London, N7 9PW, item 60.
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