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Agenda item

Land to the Rear of 2 Melody Lane, Islington, London, N5 2BQ


Demolition of existing buildings and construction of 7 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) and a new 3 storey (plus basement levels) 1,419 sqm office building (Use Class B1a), with landscaping, access and associated works.


(Planning application number: P2019/2429/FUL)


In the discussion the following points were made:

·         Members were advised that an extant permission existed for this scheme with regards to site layout, footprint, height, scale and massing and the issue for consideration is the alternative use, the addition of windows and relocation of the lift overrun to the business use of the building. In addition, the Planning Officer reiterated that the extant planning permission is a relevant material consideration in determining the application.

·         In land use terms, the planning officer advised that the proposal complies with the overarching land use objectives as it re-provides an increase business use floorspace and new housing in the location. The proposed land use mix is therefore acceptable in principle.

·         The Planning Officer reminded members that the height, scale and massing is identical to that of the consented scheme and that the proposed scale, height and massing is considered contextual and is supported by Council officers. Similarly the design of the proposed buildings would remain simple and consistent, employing similar design language to the existing adjacent mews and similar materials.

·         Members were advised that although no windows were being proposed to the set-back upper floor at the rear, the side elevations feature a series of smaller openings in the copper cladding to the same grid pattern as the lower floors. The Planning Officer advised that it is considered that all three elevations are improved by the addition of windows.

·         On the proposed basement development, the Planning Officer acknowledged that the extent of the basement levels is consistent with the extant permission and that the 2-storey basement beneath the detached office building is to be set away from the site boundaries and the proposed houses.  

·         Members were advised that the lift overrun has been relocated and rotated to be more central to the building so as to be less intrusive to the roofscape.

·         In terms of overlooking, the Planning Officer advised that at both ground and first floor, there would be no window-to-window overlooking because the existing west elevation wall would be retained with an attached timber screen which together would prevent overlooking. With regards to loss of privacy, members were informed that at second floor level, there will be no bedrooms on the west elevation of the proposed houses, which will have north facing windows and windows facing into an internal courtyard thereby not facing any neighbours.


·         With regards to daylight and sunlight loss, the Planning Officer advised that the applicant has submitted a Daylight and Sunlight report which indicates that all the 293 windows facing the site would meet the BRE guidance ensuring that there is no reduction in excess of 20% in either VSC or DD. The report also recognises some loss to the sunlight  on the ground to properties at 126, 128 and 130 Aberdeen Park

·         The Planning Officer informed the meeting that although there are no trees on the site, except around the adjoining surrounding sites, the application would not obstruct the root protection zones of these trees and would not result in the removal of any trees especially during construction which is to be secured by condition 5 in the report.

·         With regard to objectors concerns about the perceived lack of turning circle within the proposed development, meeting was advised that servicing would be undertaken within the site whilst the separate Parking and Servicing Strategy shows a 12m turning circle between the business and residential buildings allowing for vehicles. Members were reminded that this is consistent with the extant permission.

·         On the issue of car parking, the Planning Officer advised that the proposal would provide a maximum of 3 standard car parking spaces which is a reduction to the existing parking situation for the storage use.

·         Members were concerned that the proposal still provides for 3 standard car parking spaces on the site contrary to council policy promoting car free developments and the difficulty of enforcements by traffic wardens especially as the car spaces are on private land. A request by the Planning Officer that condition 21 should be amended to state a maximum of 3 accessible wheelchair parking spaces instead of 4 as stated in the report.

·         With the provision of car parking spaces for wheelchair parking, the Planning Officer acknowledged that providing alternative parking spaces on the public road is not ideal for wheel chair users considering the steep gradient to the public road and was in line with council policy for wheelchair accessible parking.

·         In response to a question on where the mechanical plant will be located and the ventilation strategy for the building considering its two subterranean floors, the applicant indicated that the light well will provide some ventilation and that all plant and equipment had been designed to be subterranean, necessitating external plant and equipment.

·         The Planning officer informed members that due to health and safety concerns and maintenance details of the lightwell a condition is being proposed, the wording to be delegated to officers to finalise.

·         In response to a request to introduce some further environment improvements to the scheme, the planning officer suggested that wording of condition 21 can be amended to incorporate some more measures in the location where the 3 standard car parking spaces will be removed. Members agreed that condition 6 to be amended to incorporate the request, details of the wording to be delegated to officers and the Chair. 





That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report and the additional condition outlined above; and subject to the prior completion of a Deed of Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report as amended above, the wording of which was delegated to officers; and subject to any direction by the Mayor of London to refuse the application or for it to be called in for determination by the Mayor of London.


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