Agenda item
Cottam House, 36-40 York Way, London, N1 9AB
Installation of new doors to York Way entrance: erection of a ground floor infill extension to rear and installation of new doors to provide additional B1 floorspace: replacement of existing ground floor windows to rear elevation: replacement store room door: replacement of existing rooftop plant equipment: new stepped terrace and platform lift at rear ground floor: and associated works
(Planning application number: P2020/0021/FUL)
In the discussion the following points were made:
- The
Planning Officer informed the meeting that conditions had been
imposed which are outlined in the report, with updated wording to
some conditions verbally presented.
- A Member
made reference to the change in use from B1 to B1c light
industrial, and the servicing space at the rear, and whether these
issues had been considered by officers and expressed the view that
vehicular access should be from York Way.
- An objector
insisted that both items B4 and B5 should be considered together
and expressed concern about the increase in noise levels as a
result of the new plant being installed. In response, the Legal
Adviser stated that each application needed to be considered
separately as they were different planning applications.
- In
response to the concerns that the lift at the rear would be used
for servicing, the Planning officer acknowledged the Platform lift
at the rear of the building is to enable access for disabled
- An objector
stated that the courtyard is also the front garden for residents of
the Ironworks building, and that the proposal which will result in
a significant increase in deliveries
would impact on residents amenity.
- A
suggestion that a condition be included in the planning permission
to ensure that all deliveries should be through the York Way
entrance was noted.
- The applicant acknowledged that the new rear platform lift was for disabled access only and this replaces a steep ramp, and complies with building regulations. In terms of noise from the new plant to be installed, he stated that it is envisaged that noise from the site would reduce, and this was an exciting development for the fashion/textile industry and the site would be the UK HQ. The applicant stated that he was willing to accept an additional condition that there would be no use of the courtyard for deliveries, and that the courtyard should only be used for those servicing the building, and vehicular delivery access should be from York Way. Members were reminded that the additional condition in term of delivery was more relevant to item B5 and not B4.
Councillor Convery proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor MackMurdie and carried unanimously
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report and subject to the prior completion of a Deed of Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report.
Supporting documents:
Cottam House External Alterations - Committee Report final, item 117.
Map P2020-0021-FUL Cottam House, 36-40 York Way, London, N1 9AB, item 117.