Agenda item
Quarter 3 Performance Report - Adult Social Care
John Everson, Director of Adult Social Care, introduced the report.
The following main points were noted in the discussion:
· The Committee considered the performance indicators and noted the work underway to increase the number of direct payments and catch-up on Annual Reviews.
· A stretch target had been set to increase the number of adults with learning disabilities into employment. It was noted that Islington was already comparatively ahead of other boroughs on this measure.
· Following a question, it was advised that around 3,000 adults received long-term support from Adult Social Care.
· It was advised that the council had high ambitions for adults with learning disabilities and sought to provide and broker meaningful employment opportunities. The council worked with partner organisations and businesses to support this, and sought to have conversations with young people and their carers at an early stage to discuss employment prospects. However, it was recognised that some people had very complex issues and may find it difficult to maintain employment. A member suggested that it might be possible to work with partners to create paid apprenticeships specifically for those with learning disabilities and additional needs.
· The Committee requested further information on the number of adults with learning disabilities in employment, including the numbers employed and the opportunities they were moving into. The Committee also asked for more information on the ICEP service that supports adults with learning disabilities into paid employment.
· It was explained that direct payments allowed residents to have more flexibility and choice around how their care service was delivered; this sometimes resulted in a more holistic care offer. Age UK was able to offer support in navigating the direct payments system. A member asked if there were other organisations available to provide advice to residents on direct payments.
· Following a question, it was advised that those entering care homes could be placed out of borough, however a number of local homes were undergoing works that should increase their capacity the end of the financial year.
· Thirteen agency social workers had been supported in becoming permanent Islington employees. The Committee commented on the need for permanent social workers, preferably based locally.
· A member noted that Dementia Action Week was 15-21 May 2023 and commented on the importance of this issue. Officers advised that the Islington Dementia Strategy was being developed and would be published later this year. This work could be shared with members at the time. A member asked how many Adult Social Care service users had dementia or Alzheimer’s.
That the quarterly performance report be noted.
· The Committee requested further information on the number of adults with learning disabilities in employment and the opportunities they were moving into. The Committee also asked for more information on the ICEP service that supports adults with learning disabilities into paid employment.
· A member asked if there were organisations other than Age UK available to provide advice to residents on direct payments.
· A member asked how many Adult Social Care service users had dementia or Alzheimer’s.
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