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Agenda item

Notices of Motion

Where a motion concerns an executive function, nothing passed can be actioned until approved by the Executive or an officer with the relevant delegated power.


·        Motion 1: Divest from the arms trade

·        Motion 2: Anti-Strike Legislation

·        Motion 3: Diverse Councils Declaration

·        Motion 4: Upholding the right to protest



Motion 1: Divest from the Arms Trade


An alteration to the proposed amendment was formally noted.


Councillor Hamdache moved the motion. Councillor Russell seconded.


Councillor Convery moved an amendment to the motion. Councillor Hamdache exercised his right of reply.



The amendment was put to a vote and CARRIED. The amended motion was put to the vote and CARRIED.




This Council resolves to continue our pension fund’s development and adoption of responsible investment policies and recommends that the Pensions Committee proceeds with an upcoming three yearly review of the Fund’s ethical investment framework. This already includes:

·       Actively seeking to invest in companies that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimise climate risk.

·       Continue the adopted strategy to reduce the fund’s carbon footprint to achieve the Paris Agreement target holding global warming to within 1.5 degrees Celsius.

·       Allocate 15% of the fund (and extend to 20%) invested into renewable infrastructure, resulting already in an estimated 94,000 tonnes of CO2e reduction.

·       Strongly urge the next Labour government to adopt a foreign and defence policy to restrict export licenses to prevent the sale of weaponry to autocratic and repressive regimes.



Motion 2: Anti-Strike Legislation


Councillor Graham moved the motion. Councillor Cinko-Oner seconded. Councillor Jegorovas-Armstrong contributed to the debate.


The motion was put to the vote and CARRIED.




(i)    To defend the right of workers to strike

(ii)   Islington Council as an employer will do everything possible within in its powers to protect employees right to strike.

(iii)To write to the Government to oppose the changes that will restrict workers’ right to strike.

(iv)To show our full solidarity with striking workers, standing on the picket lines.

(v)   To continue to support the TUC’s campaign to protect the right to strike.

(vi)To continue to work collaboratively with our trade unions who represent our Council workers and encourage union membership to Islington residents.




Motion 3: Diverse Councils Declaration


An alteration to the motion was formally noted.


Councillor Bossman-Quarshie moved the motion. Councillor Chapman seconded. Councillor Hamdache contributed to the debate.


The motion was put to the vote and CARRIED.




(i)    Adopt The Co-Operative Party’s Diverse Councils Declaration to increase diversity in our local government.


(ii)   Provide a clear public commitment to improving diversity in democracy.


(iii)Set out a local Diverse Action Plan ahead of the next local elections, including:

o   Appoint Diversity Ambassadors for each political group on the council to work with each other and local party associations to encourage recruitment of candidates from under-represented groups.

o   Encourage and enable people from under-represented groups to stand for office through the provision of activities such as mentoring and shadowing programmes and information and learning events for people interested in standing as official candidates.

o   Proactive engagement and involvement with local community groups and partner organisations supporting and representing underrepresented groups.

o   Encourage all members and candidates to complete a candidates’ and councillors’ survey distributed at election time.

(iv)Provide flexibility in council business by:

o   Regularly reviewing and staggering meeting times

o   Supporting remote attendance at meetings where it is lawful.

o   Agreeing recess periods to support councillors with caring or work commitments.

(v)   Continue to encourage members to take up allowances and salaries to which they are entitled, particularly any reimbursement for costs of care, so that all members receive fair remuneration for their work and that the role of member is not limited to those who can afford it.

(vi)Ensure that councillors from under-represented groups are represented whenever possible in high profile, high influence roles.



Motion 4: Upholding the right to protest.


Councillor Russell moved the motion. Councillor Jegorovas-Armstrong seconded.


The motion was put to the vote and CARRIED.




(i)    Engage with the Camden and Islington Metropolitan Police Basic Command Unit to understand how they are upholding the right to peaceful protest.

(ii)   Work with community and civil society campaign groups in Islington to support their right to protest.

(iii)Write to the Home Secretary in opposition to the Government’s severe restriction of the right to protest.

Supporting documents: