Agenda item
Q3 Performance Report (2022/23) - Environment & Transport
The Executive Member for Environment and Transport presented this item.
The figures in E1, particularly in Q1 and Q2, explained why there had been a reduction in recycling and waste. Q1 showed a reduction due to contaminated timber being burned rather than recycled, this was an error by the contractor and had been rectified for future which would have led to more accurate figures. In Q2 the reduction came from the extreme hot weather leading to a reduction in organic waste. These therefore had been specific issues that led to reductions rather than overall trends.
The Executive Member further told the committee £2 million had been invested to focus on recycling on estates.
The Executive Member then answered questions from the committee, the following key points were raised:
· She explained recycling was a percentage of waste collected so therefore this figure is down because recycling had decreased not overall waste.
· Questions over the £2 million investment arose and the Executive Member clarified this was new investment money for estates recycling that would be used for better facilities and infrastructural improvements. As well as 2 officers being recruited to help with specific work surrounding this such as ‘doorstep’ engagement and more individual conversations with residents to increase awareness of recycling.
· The Corporate Director of Environment and Climate Change explained that there had been a large drop in the waitlist for cycle hangars due to the team finally being able to work through the historic backlog and contacting those on the waitlist, many of whom had withdrawn for various personal reasons.
· The Committee asked for clarity on what was happening with SHINE (Seasonal Health Intervention Network). The Executive Member explained the work had shifted to more debt advice and that the Council would continue to invest for the next couple of years.
· Many concerns were raised on the issue of fly tipping. Officers in response explained that the Council aims to remove 90% in 24 hours, this figure is currently at 93%, which is the best figure in London for least fly tips. This also meant that most of the time they had been removed before people got a chance to report and therefore this could have explained the reduction in reports. However, councillors pointed out that fly tipping was still a big issue on certain estates and hotspots for this still existed. Officers further explained that there would be a review of street cleansing operations to maximise resources and technology. There had needed to be a balance to ensure there is sustained action to manage hotspot areas.
· Officers also clarified on road sweeping that side roads should be cleaned 5 times a week and if workers had any difficulties doing this it had been reported to a supervisor.
· The Council would work harder to make residents more aware and put out more information on how to recycle household white goods.
· Officers explained that performance indicators were currently being reviewed, and advised they would come back with further information on residual waste at a later date.
Officers to provide information on the planning performance indicator review and residual waste.
That the report be noted
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