Agenda item
Clyro Court, Tollington Park, London, N4 3AQ
Demolition of existing garages and erection of single storey building to accommodate 1x2-bedroom self-contained residential unit with associated landscaping, cycle parking and refuse storage and associated works to existing flats including new amenity spaces and landscaping treatments.
(Planning application number: P2022/2440/FUL)
In the discussion the following points were made:
- Members heard an update from the Planning Officer, in which it was stated that outline energy and sustainability statements had been provided, and that calculations had been provided that demonstrate that the unit complied with average daylight factor for daylight and sunlight; however full details would still be sought from pre-commencement conditions.
- Members were shown an overview on the site and surrounding context (in which Block A was cited as nearest to the junction); the existing Garages, the 2017 application which proposed roof extensions to each block and was refused on design and amenity, and had subsequent appeals withdrawn; the proposed new dwelling’s appearance and the proposed new dwelling within site context. Members were also told access would take place from Regina Road and that in late 2021 a withdrawn application submitted, which was slightly revised in 2022, in which officers retained concerns regarding the buildings at the side.
- Regarding the potential of a height condition on the fence, members were told that the report established a height of 1.8m, and that the trellis was included at the request of the Metropolitan Police/Design Out Crime Officer.
- Members heard objections from one resident, who told the Sub Committee that in 2017, the leaseholders of Flats 1-16, (alternatively known as Blocks A and B), purchased the freehold, and that their representation was on behalf of all of them. The objections included, that the materials were not in keeping with the other blocks at the location, that there was a general dislike appearance of the new buildings, that the proposed landscaping was not in keeping with garden, that there was a lack of current adequate bin facilities and that there was no consultation from the applicant.
- Additionally, members heard from the objector that if the bin storage was not closed and/or sufficiently managed it could again be a source of anti-social behaviour and vandalism.
- Members heard that the Planning Officer assessment on the bin storage had included Block C residents as well as the new residents, and given the new unit was a single dwelling, two-bedroom unit, it wouldn’t consider that to have significant detriment on bin storage.
- Members were advised that conditions regarding overall green space provision could be reviewed later in the process. Members were also advised that they were in a position to put forward a motion to impose an amendment to condition six, with wording delegated to officers, on the inclusion of a waste management plan to be submitted on the start of the scheme, that would include details of how the bin store would be secured.
Councillor Convery proposed a motion for deferring consideration of the application, citing the ambiguity from the absence of a detailed waste management plan and landscaping arrangements. This was seconded by Councillor Hamdache and carried.
That consideration of the application be deferred for the reasons outlined above.
Supporting documents:
- Clyro court final, item 23. PDF 2 MB
- Map P2022-2440 - FUL Clyro Court, Tollington Park, N4 3AQ, item 23. PDF 154 KB