Agenda item
Notices of Motion
Where a motion concerns an executive function, nothing passed can be actioned until approved by the Executive or an officer with the relevant delegated power.
Members have given
notice that they intend to move the following motions in accordance
with paragraph 20 in Part 4 of the Constitution:
1. A Call for Peace
2. Standing in solidarity with Islington’s diverse community in times of conflict by supporting the cessation of hostilities on all sides
Protecting Islington’s families through the
Childcare Crisis
The Courts have made it clear that the Public Sector Equality Duty applies to the Council when it is considering these motions, even if they are motions without legal effect. There is not a general requirement for an equality impact assessment but regard should be had to the equality duty when considering motions.
The equality duty requires
Council to have due regard to the need to:
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and
victimisation and other behaviour prohibited by the Act. In
summary, the Act makes it unlawful to discriminate etc on the
grounds of a protected characteristic.
b) Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
c) Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not including tackling prejudice and promoting understanding.
The protected characteristics are age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, gender, and sexual orientation. The Act states that ‘marriage and civil partnership’ is not a relevant protected characteristic for (b) or (c) although it is relevant for (a).
This motion was withdrawn.
Councillor Russell moved the withdrawal. Councillor Hamdache seconded.
That the motion be withdrawn.
Motion 2: Standing in solidarity with Islington’s diverse community in times of conflict by supporting the cessation of hostilities on all sides.
A cross-party amendment to this motion was circulated in a second despatch of papers.
Councillors Khondoker and Russell moved the joint amendment. Councillors Cinko-Oner, Hamdache, Woolf and Pandor seconded the amendment.
Councillors Chowdhury, Shaikh, Graham, Gilgunn, Williamson and Nathan contributed to the debate.
Councillor Khondoker and Russell exercised their right of reply on the amendment.
Councillor Nathan requested a recorded vote. This was supported by several members of the council.
The Amendment was put to a vote and CARRIED.
Councillors Bell-Bradford, Burgess, Champion, Chapman, Chowdhury, Cinko-Oner, Clarke, Comer-Schwartz, Convery, Craig, Croft, Gilgunn, Gill, Graham, Hamdache, Hayes, Heather, Hyde, Ibrahim, Jackson, Jeapes, Jegorovas-Armstrong, Kay, Khondoker, Khurana, Klute, Mackmurdie, McHugh, Nathan, Ngongo, North, Ogunro, O’Halloran, O’Sullivan, Ozdemir, Pandor, Russell, Shaikh, Staff, Turan, Ward, Wayne, Williamson, Woolf, Zammit.
The Amended Motion was put to a vote and CARRIED.
Councillors Bell-Bradford, Burgess, Champion, Chapman, Chowdhury, Cinko-Oner, Clarke, Comer-Schwartz, Convery, Craig, Croft, Gilgunn, Gill, Graham, Hamdache, Hayes, Heather, Hyde, Ibrahim, Jackson, Jeapes, Jegorovas-Armstrong, Kay, Khondoker, Khurana, Klute, Mackmurdie, McHugh, Nathan, Ngongo, North, Ogunro, O’Halloran, O’Sullivan, Ozdemir, Pandor, Russell, Shaikh, Staff, Turan, Ward, Wayne, Williamson, Woolf, Zammit.
This Council resolves to:
i. Support those in Islington with loved ones in the affected region by writing to the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition to support calls - made by the Mayor of London, a number of trade unions including Unite and UNISON, the UN General Assembly, over 200 countries and many global humanitarian aid agencies - for an immediate cessation to hostilities in Israel and Palestine, including an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and the release of hostages and political prisoners. Also to support calls for an embargo on the sale of offensive weapons for this conflict, an investigation by the International Criminal Court into alleged breaches of international law during this conflict and to begin a political process for permanent peace.
ii. Write to our local MPs and ask they use every avenue to pursue peace and to call for ceasefire.
iii. Continue to work with faith and community leaders from across Islington to preserve and celebrate our borough’s diversity and cohesion, this will include working with the Islington Faiths Forum to organise an inter-faith event in early 2024, allowing people from all parts of Islington to come together and celebrate our community’s shared values.
iv. Further promote the work of the Council’s Hate Crime Prevention Champions, encouraging more local people to take ownership and support our drive to tackle hate crime in Islington.
v. Continue to promote the work of Islington-based charities working to support those affected by the humanitarian crisis in Israel and Palestine.
Motion 3: Protecting Islington’s families through the Childcare Crisis.
Councillor Ngongo moved the motion. Councillor North Seconded.
Councillor Jegorovas-Armstrong contributed to the debate. Councillor Ngongo exercised their right of reply.
The motion was put to a vote and CARRIED.
This Council resolves to:
i. Write to the Secretary of State for Education to call on the Government to:
o work with childcare providers to ensure funding rates are increased in real terms and childcare workers are paid a decent living wage.
o Provide universal free childcare for children over nine months old and support the Labour Party’s policy of free breakfast clubs for all primary school children.
ii. Support the Labour Party’s call to an immediate review into childcare if they are elected to government, including a review into SEND provisions.
iii. Continue to support parents and families with our family hubs, children’s centres and other early years settings.
iv. Protect Islington Council’s investment in the Childcare Bursary and continue to help Islington’s disadvantaged families through our free school meals and school uniform grant.
Supporting documents:
- Motions to Council - 14 December 2023, item 273. PDF 685 KB
- Motion 2 - Amendment for Second Despatch, item 273. PDF 349 KB