Agenda item
Islington Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report
The Independent Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board gave an update on the Islington Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report.
The Chair asked about the reduction in reported adult abuse and neglect. It was explained that it could be related to improved signposting and early intervention.
A member asked about a particular case where a man was being abused by his cousin who used drugs. The man was able to be rehoused by the Council using the duty to refer homelessness as it was not his house, and his accommodation was deemed an unsafe environment. It was highlighted that more could be done to pursue perpetrators.
The Chair asked how safeguarding incidents were monitored by the Council. It was explained that safeguarding incidents could come in from anyone and would be recoded primarily by the safeguarding unit. Incidents would then be reported to the Safeguarding Adults Board who received a report each quarter that flagged any safeguarding concerns. Partners were also responsible for providing data to the Board and it was an area they hoped to improve to help prevent, recognise, and respond to abuse.
The Chair asked whether assessments over the phone rather than by social workers visiting homes would cause difficulty in identify self-neglect. It was explained that purely relying on social workers would not provide a full picture and it was important to work with partners to assess individual needs.
The Committee considered the data the Board received, including the significance of better reporting in by partners and the security of individuals personal data.
A member of the public raised concern that there was factually incorrect information in the report under Liam SAR. They said there was no evidence care was refused or access by the fire brigade and the coroners review found there was gross negligence and manslaughter, and this was omitted from the report. It was explained that the report was written prior to the inquest to ensure the learning from the incident was assimilated as soon as possible. They would speak privately to the individual concerned and update the information on the website.
It was then raised that Snowball Care UK Ltd, the agency involved in the Liam SAR case was still used by Islington Council. A senior officer explained that they were no longer a provider of choice and there was ongoing work to ensure those who received care from them were transferred to other providers. It was highlighted that the owners had been opening other agencies. This would be investigated.
A member of the public raised concern that the Council did not have adequate oversight of social workers who could not provide information related to their relative’s care plan, did not respond to requests for information from the police and who they felt were overstepping boundaries related to their legal powers in regard to financial abuse and theft. The Independent Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board said the Local Authority did have powers that could help them uncover information that could trigger police involvement, but the police could only act if there was a criminal level of reasonable suspicion.
The Chair requested that an update be circulate on Snowball Care UK Ltd to include whether the owners had other care companies.
The CQC explained they had two roles; they investigated incidents and they regulated the care system in Islington and beyond. They highlighted that if a person was not fit and proper, they should not be running those organisations. They asked the member of the public concerned to contact them directly.
Supporting documents:
2. ISAB Scrutiny report 2022-23 final v1, item 19.
PDF 180 KB
1. ISAB AR one page summary 2022-23, item 19.
PDF 147 KB
3. ISAB Annual Report 2022-23.Final, item 19.