Agenda item
Land adjoining Turnbull House, Windsor Street, London, N1 8QG
Installation of a new generator and erection of associated enclosure with surrounding landscaping to support the operation of the Supported Living Accommodation building approved via planning permission ref: P2017/3493/FUL.
(Planning application number: P2023/2863/FUL)
In the discussion the following points were made:
· The site forms part of the Cumming Estate, made up of 3 x 5-storey residential blocks to the east and a 6-storey residential block to the west. To the south of the site is a terrace of locally listed 3-storey Georgian townhouses with basements and with rear gardens. To the north, on the opposite side of Windsor Street, is a 3-storey building in commercial use.
· Meeting was advised that this is a council owned application.
· The site is located in St Mary's & St James' Ward, does not lie within a Conservation Area however the southern boundary of the site forms the northern most extent of the Duncan Terrace / Colebrooke Road Conservation Area.
· Planning permission is sought for the installation of a new generator enclosure within the Turnbull House estate open space, adjacent to the recently built supported living residential accommodation on Windsor Street. Associated landscaping is also proposed to surround the enclosure.
· Consent for the supported living residential accommodation on Windsor Street was granted under planning permission ref: P2017/3493/FUL, dated 09/05/2018. The approved fire strategy for this development requires a secondary supply to provide power to the wheelchair evacuation lift in the event of an emergency. Given the nature of the approved development, the necessity of providing a generator for a fire evacuation lift is recognised.
· The applicant explored a number of options to provide the generator within the site boundary of the supported living development, which were presented to the Local Planning Authority for review. Due to the minimal amount of external amenity space provided within the supported living development, it was advised that the options presented would not be acceptable due to the impact they would have on the residential amenity of future residents. The application therefore seeks permission to install the generator and associated housing outside of the original site boundary, within the Turnbull House estate open space.
· The proposal would install a 19sqm generator enclosure adjacent to the supported living development within the grounds of Turnbull House. This part of the grounds was included within the blue line of the supported living residential development as the site was not large enough for construction site offices to be contained within the red line boundary. There was an agreement in place between Islington’s New Build Team and Islington’s Estates Services Team that this land could be used to facilitate development. To allow this space to be used for site offices, the removal of three trees and some thick undergrowth was required. The replacement of these trees was required by the Directors’ Letter associated with permission ref: P2017/3493/FUL and it was the intention of the New Build Team to provide these alongside new grassland once the site office is removed. A new agreement is in now place between Islington’s New Build Team and Islington’s Estates Services Team which confirms that this part of the estate open space may be used as the permanent location of the required generator housing.
· To mitigate the loss of area to be returned to open space, the application proposes an enhanced landscaping scheme around the generator housing, which incorporates the three trees already approved to be planted in the space.
· Meeting was advised that the main issues arising from this proposal relate to, land Use policy; design & conservation; landscaping and biodiversity; neighbouring amenity; air quality and energy & sustainability.
· It was noted that the proposed development is small in scale and sufficiently set away from neighbouring residential property
· In terms of land use policy, meeting was advised that the proposals would result in the net loss of 19sqm of estate open space that currently serves Turnbull House. Whilst estate open space is protected under Local Plan Policy G2, the application proposes planting which would result in a greener, more attractive area of landscaping than was previously provided on the site. The proposals are therefore considered to be consistent with land use policy objectives.
· In terms of design and conservation, the proposed generator housing would be timber screening and the structure would largely be obscured by vertical greening and surrounding landscaping. Furthermore, despite the site’s adjacency to the Duncan Terrace/Colebrooke Row Conservation Area, it is considered that the proposals would not have a detrimental impact on and would preserve its setting.
· In terms of neighbouring amenity, it is considered that the small size of the proposed structure would not result in any unacceptable impacts to daylight and sunlight, overshadowing, overlooking or outlook.
· The proposal to introduce a generator in this location presents issues of noise and air pollution. However, given the minimal operating times, and subject to the conditions recommended, it is considered that the proposed generator would not have an unacceptable impact in both respects.
· In terms of sustainability, the applicant proposes the use of sustainable materials, and the design maximises opportunities for permeable drainage. Whilst Officers requested that the applicant explore the feasibility of providing a battery powered generator to minimise air quality impacts, the applicant provided satisfactory justification for the use of diesel, in the limited cases where the generator being required to be used.
· Although the proposals would result some very minor noise and air pollution impacts, it is considered that these issues can be suitably addressed via conditions. Furthermore, the resulting loss of estate open space is outweighed in the planning balance by the benefits of an enhanced landscaping scheme and the ensured operation of the Windsor Street supported living development fire evacuation lifts in the event of an emergency.
· The application is considered to be acceptable and is recommended for approval subject to conditions.
· Councillor McHugh proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor North and carried.
· Committee agreed to delegate the rewording of condition 7 in relation to the use of the generator to the planning officer- see below
That following
consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment
and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee,
submitted representations planning
permission be granted subject to the conditions.
Reworded CONDITION 07: The hereby
approved generator shall not be used except in the event of a power
cut or for required urgent/emergency testing.
Testing of the hereby approved generator shall not take place between the hours of 1800 and 0800 on any day, and not at any time on Sundays, Bank Holidays or after 1300 on a Saturday.
The duration of the testing is to be commensurate with the test requirements and not to exceed 20 minutes and only twice a year if required.
REASON: To protect the amenity of adjacent properties.
Supporting documents:
- P2023_2863_FUL - Windsor Street - Draft Committee Report final, item 32. PDF 1 MB
- Map P2023-2863-FUL Windsor Street. land adjoining Turnbull House, London, N1 8QG, item 32. PDF 169 KB