Agenda item
Application for renewal of a special treatment licence - FYEO, 23 City Road, London EC1Y 1AG
The Committee noted that Ms Julie Palmer, a solicitor representing the applicant, Mr Glenn Nicie, together with Mr Tony Osborne, the Manager of the premises, and Ms Carly Swallow, a masseuse at the premises, were present. Ms Katie Tomashevski, Licensing Officer, represented the Licensing Authority.
The Licensing Officer referred to additional information in the form of an email which had been circulated to members of the Committee earlier in the day, which attached a photograph of the interior of the Club and a drinks menu.
Ms Palmer provided colour versions of the same photograph to members of the Committee. In response to a question, Mr Nicie stated that the hours of operation of the premises were from 5.00pm to 3.00 or 4.00am.
Ms Palmer stated that the premises had had a Special Treatment Licence since 2012 and the application before the Committee today was an application for a renewal. She described the premises as a Gentlemen’s Club and that Ms Swallow was licensed by Islington Council as a masseuse to provide head and neck massage. Her clients mostly comprised men who worked in the City, who attended the Club for a massage in a safe environment. She said that Ms Swallow wore a uniform to provide the massage, which she had brought with her today, should members wish to see it. The massage was provided in full view of other patrons at the premises. Referring to the objection to the application by a local resident (page 17 of the agenda), she described as “scurrilous allegations” the reference to massage being provided to areas of the body other than the head and neck. In response to questions from members, Ms Swallow stated that she provided a massage service on Thursdays and Fridays and that she was registered with the Council.
In response to a question from the Chair, the Licensing Officer confirmed that she had visited the premises approximately three weeks previously. She stated that the premises had three licences: a Special Treatment Licence, a Premises Licence to sell alcohol and a Sexual Entertainment Licence. She drew the Committee’s attention to the standard conditions which apply to Special Treatment Licences, detailed on page 19 of the agenda.
In summing up, Ms Palmer commended the report to members. She stated that the report drew attention to the possible grounds for refusal of a Special Treatment Licence which she maintained could not be applied to this premises. She reiterated that the massage provision was for the head and neck only. There had been no complaints about the way the premises had operated since the licence had been in operation since 2012.
The Committee adjourned at 4.35pm to deliberate and returned at 4.48pm.
That, subject to the standard licensing conditions and the additional conditions referred to on page 18 of the agenda, the application from Mr Glenn Nicie for the renewal of a Special Treatment Licence in Islington, for the purposes of massage (head and neck only), in the basement of the premises known as For Your Eyes Only, 23 City Road, London EC1Y 1AG, be approved for a period of 12 months.
Reason for decision
The Committee considered all of the written and oral evidence.
The Committee heard from the Licensing Officer that the premises had been licensed as a special treatment premises to permit a registered special treatment therapist to provide massage to the head and neck since 2012 and that no complaints had been received about the way the premises had operated in the past. The Committee heard from the Licensing Officer that no issues for concern in regard to the special treatments licence were identified at a recent inspection.
The Committee noted the single objector had not attended, but noted his written objection.
The Committee was satisfied that there were no legal grounds to refuse the application for renewal of the licence.
Supporting documents: