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Agenda item

Quarter 4 Performance Report


Councillor Andy Hull, Executive Member for Finance and Performance was present for discussion of this item, together with Lela Kogbara, Assistant Chief Executive Strategy and Partnerships.


During consideration of the report the following main points were made –


·         Councillor Hull stated that the main changes for the suite of inidcators were detailed in paragraph 4.5 of the report

·         In addition a set of Equality Objectives were being considered and submitted to the next meeting of the Executive

·         The main cause of concern are the community safety indicators, particularly with regard to youth violence and theft from the person. A crime strategy is being presented to the next meeting of the Executive and it was proposed, inter alia, that a youth integration team be established. It was added that because gangs were less of a problem previously in Islington than in other London Boroughs, the Police resources were stretched and they were now being assisted by other officers from the Metropolitan Police

·         The reductions in Safer Neighbourhood Policing had it was felt led to an increase crime and resulted in less local intelligence being gathered

·         In relation to Adult Social Care there were difficulties with the targets on enablement

·         There had been a positive recruitment campaign for foster carers

·         There had been an improvement on the employment statistics

·         In Environment and Regeneration there was not now funding available for boiler replacement works and different energy saving measures were being looked at

·         In Public Health smoking cessation targets were not being met and Councillor Hull stated that he would discuss with officers ways this could be improved

·         Sickness absence levels were too high and discussions were taking place with occupational health in this regard. It was stated that future HR reports to the Committee should detail the 3 departments with the highest sickness levels and the reasons therefore

·         There is also difficulty in meeting the housing under occupation and overcrowding targets

·         A Member stated that signs needed to be erected in housing estate playgrounds to discourage people from smoking there and Councillor Hull stated that he would discuss this with the Executive Member Environment and Transport and Executive Member Housing

·         In response to a question it was stated that measures were being taken to ensure there were 50 apprentices per annum and restructure the scheme so that it gives clearer expectations and consideration was being given as to the best time of the year to recruit

·         In response to a question as to whether there were ‘taster apprenticeship’ sessions held it was stated that this was not currently a standard practice, although some events were held

·         In response to a question it was stated that consideration may be given to insulation and boiler replacement if funding became available in the future

·         A Member referred to paragraph 7.6 of the report and that she would like a response as to the crimes not committed by gangs, what type of detached youth work is in place, the apparent disproportionality amongst BME suspects and the impact and effectiveness of CCTV on crime. The Executive Member Community Safety stated that he would respond on these issues

·         It was stated that there is often a time lag between the PI’s and the reality and the PI’s tended to focus on areas that the Council has control of however a number of issues required an integrated response

·         Discussion took place on paragraph 8.4 of the report and the ACE Strategy and Partnerships stated that she would provide specific details to Members

·         A Member stated that although employment statistics had improved there needed to be details of how long people stayed in work, and there should be a measure of how the Council’s actions had made a difference. In addition, there should be a measurement on the effectiveness of school careers advice

·         A Member enquired as to the gender and race of the residents obtaining employment through the Council and it was stated that this could be provided

·         A Member stated that although apprenticeships were obtained there needed to be details as to whether these developed into sustainable jobs after a year or whether these apprenticeships did not lead to eventual full time employment. Discussion took place as to the possibility of obtaining this information and that this information should be provided to Members when available and a report be submitted to the next meeting

·         In response to a question the Executive Member for Environment and Transport and that the recycling target of 34.5% is a challenging one, however the Council is still committed, despite the difficulties faced in an inner London Borough to a recycling rate of 50%



(a)  That Councillor Hull discuss with the Executive Member Environment and Transport and Executive Member Housing the possibility of erecting no smoking signs as referred to above

(b)  That regular reports be submitted in future to the Committee on the sickness levels in departments and the reasons therefore and Councillor Doolan be sent this information in the interim

(c)  That the Executive Member Community Safety be requested to inform Councillor Ismail of the crimes not committed by gangs, what type of detached youth work is in place, the apparent disproportionality amongst BME suspects and the impact and effectiveness of CCTV on crime

(d)  That the ACE Strategy and Partnerships be requested to inform Councillor Kay of the details requested in relation to paragraph 8.4 of the report, as referred to above

(e)  That the ACE Strategy and Partnerships be requested to circulate details of the gender and ethnicity of residents being employed with Council assistance

(f)   That information be circulated to Members as to how many apprenticeships had resulted in full time sustainable employment, as referred to above and a report be submitted thereon to the next meeting

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