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Agenda item

NHS Trust - Whittington Hospital - Quality Accounts -Presentation


Siobhan Harrington, Whittington Hospital NHS Trust and Ron Jacob, Governor Whittington NHS Trust were present for discussion of this item.


The Quality Accounts Whittington NHS Trust report for 2014/15 was laid round (copy interleaved) and Siobhan Harrington outlined the main points of the report and made a presentation to the Committee (copy interleaved).


During consideration of the report the following main points were made –


·         The key highlights included – New TB centre and Ambulatory Care service, sign up to safety campaign, improved medicines management, District Nursing service – mobile smart working with i Pads, JAG accreditation for the Endoscopy unit, Hospital at Home service, Infection rates and low SMHI score, smoking cessation and alcohol harm prevention CQUIN’s, and RTT 18 week waits and cancer access targets

·         Quality Priorities for 2015/16 include – Improve patient experience for Learning Disabilities and improve staff training and recognition, Reduce the number of inpatient falls that result in harm by 50%, achieve outcome measures in Sepsis and AKI CQUIN’s and effectively record performance, reduce the amount of pressure ulcers, increase the number of NIHR programmes and increase participation in inter professional events and improve patient experience and response rate to FFT and data capture in diabetic and frail elderly services

·         In response to a question it was stated that the Trust had been disappointed with the staff survey results and the problem areas were being addressed

·         The Committee noted that there is a new library and resource areas for students

·         It was stated that the response rate to the FFT in the previous year was 37% for inpatients and 17% for the emergency department. i Pads were now being given to patients to improve FFT responses however feedback was good on patient experience of the Trust

·         FFT results were being displayed on the ward but the Trust were looking at other methods of displaying results

·         In response to a question it was stated that there is currently a 10% nursing vacancy rate and the Trust, were having to conduct a rolling recruitment programme, however recruitment problems were an issue for most London Trusts

·          A Member referred to the new structure introduced in terms of clinical services in July and that this should address some of the concerns raised in the staff survey and there was now more clinical ownership across the organisation and staff would feel more informed and connected

·         It was noted that temporary and ‘bank’ staff, some of whom had been employed for a considerable time were not included in the staff survey and the Trust stated that they would investigate whether these staff could be included in the future

·         The Trust stated that there should be improvements in the areas of information governance in the coming year and that FFT feedback was regularly reported to staff and concerns addressed

·         The Lead Governor stated that given the financial pressures on the Trust he was encouraged by the progress, however it was his view that whilst the FFT is important it is a fairly superficial process and that a more in depth survey should be undertaken to look at patient experience of an integrated care organisation and how services were accessed and any problem areas


The Chair thanked Siobhan Harrington and Ron Jacob for attending