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Issue - decisions

Local Initiatives Fund awards

07/07/2020 - Local Initiatives Fund awards

The report was amended on submission as follows:



Addendum to the declarations of interest at paragraph 3.12 of the report:


“Cllr Marian Spall is the vice chair of Elthorne Pride which has changed the use of a £500 grant awarded in February 2020 to the creation of a community quilt (a virtual Elthorne Pride Quilt of Hope)


Cllr Satnam Gill and Cllr Tricia Clarke are trustees of Hilldrop Area Community Association which has changed the use of a £750 grant awarded in February 2020 to the provision of parcels of food, essential items, information and arts and craft resources for local residents.”



AGREED recommendations, subject to the amendment above, and that officers be thanked for their work in the production of the report.


Reasons for decision – as specified in the report

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest/Any dispensations granted – none