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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'

  • Councillor Alice Donovan-Hart - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor Alice Donovan declared a personal and prejudicial interest as a near neighbour of the proposed development for Item B2, 798-804 Holloway Road. She withdrew from the meeting during the discussion of Item B2.
  • Councillor Dave Poyser - Personal - Councillor David Poyser declared a personal interest in Item B2, 798-804 Holloway Road as a member of the Archway Town Management Board who had commented on the proposal. He had taken no part in any discussions regarding their objections. He remained in the meeting during consideration of this item.
  • Councillor Tim Nicholls - Personal - Councillor Tim Nicholls declared a personal interest in Item B1, 7-8 Wakley Street as he was employed by the National Autistic Society, a member of the Council for Disabled Children, a coalition run by the National Children’s Bureau. He remained in the meeting during consideration of this item.