Committee details
Haringey and Islington Health and Wellbeing Boards Joint Sub-Committee
Purpose of committee
The Haringey and Islington Health and Wellbeing Boards have established the Joint Sub-Committee to support the populations of both boroughs to live healthier, happier and longer lives; improve health and care services so that people experience more joined up, better quality services at the right time in the right place; and make sure the local health and care system delivers high value care, and is financially sustainable. Islington and Haringey have similar populations, with similar health and care needs, and a shared ambition and vision to provide high-quality, integrated, people-centred services.
The Sub-Committee works to encourage integrated working between commissioners and providers of health and care services in the two boroughs, and is responsible for preparing the producing the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for the two boroughs. The Sub-Committee also oversees the work of the Haringey and Islington Wellbeing Partnership, which works to provide integrated health and care services.
If you have any questions please contact:
Jonathan Moore
Islington Council
Town Hall
Upper Street
N1 2UD
Telephone: 020 7527 3308
- Councillor Nurullah Turan
- Councillor Michelline Safi-Ngongo
- Jim Beale
- Dr. Josephine Sauvage Chair, Islington CCG
- Emma Whitby Chief Executive, Islington Healthwatch
- Angela McNab Chief Executive, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
- Siobhan Harrington Chief Executive, The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust
- Katy Porter Voluntary Sector Representative (Chief Executive, Manor Gardens Welfare Trust)
- Councillor Joseph Ejiofor Leader, LB Haringey
- Councillor Sarah James Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, LB Haringey
- Councillor Elin Weston Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Families, LB Haringey
- Dr Peter Christian Chair, Haringey CCG
- Dr Dina Dhorajiwala Vice-Chair, Haringey CCG
- Cathy Herman Lay Member, Haringey CCG
- Sharon Grant Chair, Healthwatch Haringey
- Dr Will Maimaris Interim Director of Public Health, LB Haringey
- Beverley Tarka Director of Adult Social Care, Haringey Council
- Ann Graham Director of Children's Services, LB Haringey
- Geoffrey Ocen Chief Executive, The Bridge Renewal Trust